The campaign will enhance maize crop yields, improve pest and disease management, and streamline post-harvest processes.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will support awareness programs, training, and financial empowerment for young people from Yemen's poor, marginalized, and displaced families. ...
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will integrate sustainability and climate change education into the school curriculum.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will promote waste management services to mitigate the harmful impacts of waste on both the environment and human health.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will empower students with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the environment.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will conserve and enhance biodiversity in Kahramanmaraş, preserving the irreplaceable genetic heritage of native olive species.
The campaign will strengthen the conservation of local ecosystems and the environmental responsibility of populations for local food sovereignty through the dev ...
The campaign will provide clothes to people in-need.
The campaign will transform leftovers by turning them into products rather than letting them contribute to food waste.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will promote sustainable practices for the conservation of the forests.
The campaign will make recycling easier throughout Beirut.
The campaign will empower farmers in Abasan Al-Kabira, Gaza, by planting 1,000 olive trees on eastern border farmland.
This campaign will provide better access to clean water by utilizing clean and sustainable energy for remote villages.
The campaign will empower the younger generation to embrace a future in agriculture.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will contribute to urban farming and biodiversity, targeting elementary schools through a gardening program.
The campaign will produce at least 1,000 bags from recycled materials, which will be distributed to communities in response to the single-use plastic ban. ...
Ongoing campaign
This campaign will boost the confidence and enhance the skill set of 500 women farmers.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will empower women in weaving to establish a new center to broaden the empowerment opportunities for more women in the region.
Ongoing campaign
The Christian Development Counselors Foundation (CDCF) is dedicated to advancing development management and international holistic development through specializ ...
DAEVO is a national, nonprofit Org based on human values. DAEVO Is an organization with international standards registered with REG NO: 1979 in Afghanistan MoE ...
Pristine NGO believes in restoring the environmental identity of the Saudi community to achieve a sustainable lifestyle.
Focuses on empowering the less privileged and most vulnerable in order to enhance, strengthen and accelerate development
Governed by the law of 1901 relating to associative organizations. It was created in August 1995 and registered under N°: 95-265 MISAT/DC DAI/SAAP-ASSOC. ...
منظمة غير ربحية تهتم في مجال التنمية المستدامة 17
ADéProG-ONG est située dans la commune de Nikki au Bénin. L'objectif est de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté et la faim.
Nous accompagnons les acteurs et les partenaires à disposer des informations sur la mise en œuvre et le suivi des agendas de développement.
Elle œuvre pour la protection de l'environnement en soutenant les jeunes et les femmes dans l'agriculture durable et leur résilience face aux défis sociétaux. ...
JEVEV ONG est une organisation de jeunesse dirigée par des jeunes engagés ayant pour objectif de contribuer à la promotion de l'économie verte.
Association qui œuvre pour l'épanouissement, le renforcement des capacités et l'appui technique et financier des professionnels des médias
La PASCiB, c'est la gouvernance, l'analyse de la cohérence des politiques publiques, le suivi contrôle citoyen, évaluation citoyenne et ingénierie sociale ...
ANA est une ONG qui œuvre pour la promotion du développement agricole durable et pour l'amélioration des conditions socio-économiques du Bénin
OPESVaT a vu le jour le 15 Août 1995 à l’initiative de professionnels des médecines moderne et traditionnelle
GBEWA « ENFIN LE BONHEUR » qui a pour mission de soutenir et améliorer par tous les moyens, les conditions de vie des populations défavorisées.
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