The campaigns contributes to the Indonesian community through social and environmental initiatives.
The campaign will enhance maize crop yields, improve pest and disease management, and streamline post-harvest processes.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will promote waste management services to mitigate the harmful impacts of waste on both the environment and human health.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will combat climate change and poverty in Chad.
The campaign will promote responsible waste management and foster a culture of environmental stewardship.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will enhance food sustainability and improve the farmers' financial independence but also foster a supportive community
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will conserve and enhance biodiversity in Kahramanmaraş, preserving the irreplaceable genetic heritage of native olive species.
The campaign will enhance drinking water access, construct community spaces, and promote education and agriculture in rural communities.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will contribute to economic development and job creation in the region by supporting agricultural start-ups.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will contribute to economic empowerment and digital inclusion of young women and men.
The campaign aims to provide farmers with productive and high-yielding seeds.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will strengthen the capacity of an organic fertilizer production facility.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will promote sustainable practices for the conservation of the forests.
The campaign will empower farmers in Abasan Al-Kabira, Gaza, by planting 1,000 olive trees on eastern border farmland.
You can support local communities in Palestine reach our goal of planting 300-400 olive trees in the Northeast west bank in the first year.
The shelter, in which there are 116 dogs and 42 cats living at the moment, is solely funded by charitable contributions. Our primary activity is the rescue, tre ...
The campaign will reduce the adverse impact of tidal flooding caused by land subsidence in Pekalongan.
The campaign will provide support to environment-related projects by establishing a crowdfunding platform.
DAEVO is a national, nonprofit Org based on human values. DAEVO Is an organization with international standards registered with REG NO: 1979 in Afghanistan MoE ...
New Society Reconstruction & Development Organization (NSRDO) is a civil, nongovernmental, nonpolitical & nonprofit organization, founded by a team of committed ...
Pristine NGO believes in restoring the environmental identity of the Saudi community to achieve a sustainable lifestyle.
Governed by the law of 1901 relating to associative organizations. It was created in August 1995 and registered under N°: 95-265 MISAT/DC DAI/SAAP-ASSOC. ...
منظمة غير ربحية تهتم في مجال التنمية المستدامة 17
Nous intervenons dans la valorisation et pré collecte des déchets; l'entreprenariat; reboisement et promotion des produits locaux.
Dawn Development Organization (DDO) was established in the month of year 2013 and the organization is registered under Social Welfare Act 1961. DDO envisions a ...
ADéProG-ONG est située dans la commune de Nikki au Bénin. L'objectif est de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté et la faim.
Nous accompagnons les acteurs et les partenaires à disposer des informations sur la mise en œuvre et le suivi des agendas de développement.
Elle œuvre pour la protection de l'environnement en soutenant les jeunes et les femmes dans l'agriculture durable et leur résilience face aux défis sociétaux. ...
JEVEV ONG est une organisation de jeunesse dirigée par des jeunes engagés ayant pour objectif de contribuer à la promotion de l'économie verte.
Association qui œuvre pour l'épanouissement, le renforcement des capacités et l'appui technique et financier des professionnels des médias
ANA est une ONG qui œuvre pour la promotion du développement agricole durable et pour l'amélioration des conditions socio-économiques du Bénin
OPESVaT a vu le jour le 15 Août 1995 à l’initiative de professionnels des médecines moderne et traditionnelle
contribuer au développement économique durable en intervenant dans la protection de l'environnement, l'éducation et la réduction de la pauvreté
L'organisation ouvrer pour l'assistance à l'autonomisation des personnes vulnérables surtout les enfants et les femmes à travers des projets de développement. ...
L’OGSDU est une ONG à but non lucratif enregistrée le 02/11/2011 2011 au 2011/0472/DEP-ATL-LITT/SG/SGAASSOC puis au Journal Officiel N°2 du 15/01/2012. ...
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