The campaigns contributes to the Indonesian community through social and environmental initiatives.
Ongoing campaign
Ongoing campaign
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will support 50 homeless people to start new lives.
The campaign will utilize biogas as a source of energy and fertilizer for women farmers and farmers with disabilities to enhance their economic opportunities. ...
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will improve agricultural productivity and contribute to reducing food insecurity and poverty.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will actively contribute to the empowerment and advancement of young girls and women, enhancing their social integration within the region. ...
The campaigns aim to implement various projects supporting vulnerable communities in Lebanon.
The campaigns provide aid to needy people in Indonesia through the use of zakat, infaq, alms, and online donations.
The campaign will support the livelihoods of students studying in rural areas during their educational journey.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will empower 600 people to enhance their self-reliance.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will empower underprivileged orphans in remote villages in Indonesia.
The campaign will distribute Qurbani meat to 300 families.
The campaign will create a community that leads to independence by increasing and strengthening the local economy and improving health status in the village. ...
The campaign will continue to support the provision of quality education for all 55 students in 2022.
The campaign will provide financial support to 1,000 street vendors.
The campaign will empower farmers in Abasan Al-Kabira, Gaza, by planting 1,000 olive trees on eastern border farmland.
Humanitarian Organization for Advocacy & Development (HOAD), established in 2003, is dedicated to rebuilding Afghanistan through integrated approaches focusing ...
Urban and Rural Development Organization (URDO) International set up in 2005 and registered under the Federal Government of Somalia and local administrations. ...
ASFUD est une organisation qui œuvre pour les droits et l’autonomisation des femmes en leur garantissant un accès durable aux ressources de production. ...
REEDA is a nonprofit, non-governmental, non-partisan and women-led organization implementing relief, stabilization, economic empowerment and development program ...
ORGIIS is working to address: Sustainable communities through endogenous development and & Empowering people using natural resources & local knowledge. ...
We are grassroots registered Environment Humanitarian Organization.
Yarda farmers cooperative society is a Cooperative of women farmers, processors and marketers (rice value chain)we are into production, processing andpackaging ...
HalalVest is a Digital Cooperative Platform that aims to democratize access to financial products and services that are sustainable, inclusive and ethical. ...
An NGO/CBO driving change via advocacy, enlightenment, capacity building, poverty alleviation, community development and provision of basic needs.
Seed is an initiative committed to empowering communities by driving social empowerment and promoting economic development.
CSO supporting Palestinian Bedouins in the west bank including Jerusalem ,and Gaza strip.
Nous sommes une entreprise engagée socialement qui fabrique et commercialise des dispositifs kits de production de légumes familiales
The Development of Community Economy Organization (DCEO), a national NGO founded in 2020 in Afghanistan.
It's a bakery and catering outlet where we make delicious foods and yummy cakes for all occasions in a clean area with fresh and quality ingredients
منظمة إباء للتنمية احدي منظمات المجتمع المدني السوداني مسجلة لدي مفوضية العون الإنساني الاتحادية بالرقم 3818 وهي منظمة غير ربحية منذ عام 2014
Is an advocacy group focused on promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the context of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...
Deem established in 2015 and it's registered NGO (no. 58) and we have strong access to high-conflict area all Yemen and we works in all sectors.
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