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      Support Biogas Solutions for Women Farmers

      Support Biogas Solutions for Women Farmers

      The campaign will utilize biogas as a source of energy and fertilizer for women farmers and farmers with disabilities to enhance their economic opportunities. ...

      Ongoing campaign

      Rural Women's Agricultural Groups Mobilize Against Poverty and Food Insecurity

      Rural Women's Agricultural Groups Mobilize Against Poverty and Food Insecurity

      The campaign will improve agricultural productivity and contribute to reducing food insecurity and poverty.

      Ongoing campaign

      Empower Municipalities for Advancement of Young Women

      Empower Municipalities for Advancement of Young Women

      The campaign will actively contribute to the empowerment and advancement of young girls and women, enhancing their social integration within the region. ...

      Ongoing campaign

      Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon

      Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon

      The campaigns aim to implement various projects supporting vulnerable communities in Lebanon.

      $731,858 / $700,000

      Providing Aid to Needy People in Indonesia

      Providing Aid to Needy People in Indonesia

      The campaigns provide aid to needy people in Indonesia through the use of zakat, infaq, alms, and online donations.

      $3,950,000 / $3,000,000

      Support Science Students

      Support Science Students

      The campaign will support the livelihoods of students studying in rural areas during their educational journey.

      Build a Community with Access to Water and Sanitation

      Build a Community with Access to Water and Sanitation

      The campaign will create a community that leads to independence by increasing and strengthening the local economy and improving health status in the village. ...

      $23,500 / $23,500



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      Governed by the law of 1901 relating to associative organizations. It was created in August 1995 and registered under N°: 95-265 MISAT/DC DAI/SAAP-ASSOC. ...

      Development Support Initiatives DSI

      Development Support Initiatives (DSI) is a voluntary, non-profit, and independent entity with registration in Societies Act 1860 with a registered number 7362. ...

      Oyare victorious kids academy

      An institution that administers gospel and educational services globally


      A Civil Society Organization with is out to empower the vulnerable population and act love towards the less privileges through Humanitarian outreach programs. ...

      International Organization for the Oneness of the Arab Peoples

      منظمة غير ربحية تهتم في مجال التنمية المستدامة 17


      Le MTC Bénin promeut le travail Décent à travers deux domaines d'interventions à savoir la Formation Professionnelle et l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire ...

      Chara Joie

      We exist to improve the life of those who are in difficult situations, We exist to help people to speak English to be able to have the same chance.


      ONG engagée dans la lutte pour un monde sans pauvreté

      Dawn Development Orgniazation

      Dawn Development Organization (DDO) was established in the month of year 2013 and the organization is registered under Social Welfare Act 1961. DDO envisions a ...


      CADA is a non profit organization that uses art and social entrepreneurship skill development as a means of transformation to disadvantaged youths.

      Volontaires d Actions Integrees pour le Developpement

      Une association des femmes appuyées par hommes pour travailler pour l'épanouissement et le mieux-être des communautés à la base, les femmes et les enfants. ...

      Association des Femmes pour le Developpement de la Commune de Ouidah VIGNILE AFDO VIGNILE

      C'est une association de femmes réunies dans un creuset pour travailler dans le but de contribuer au mieux-être des femmes des communautés a la base.

      Association pour le Developpement durable et la Promotion du Genre ADEPROG ONG

      ADéProG-ONG est située dans la commune de Nikki au Bénin. L'objectif est de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté et la faim.

      Association pour la promotion de la femme en milieu rural

      une organisation qui travaille pour le respect des droits de la femme et de l'enfant au sein des communautés


      Elle a pour mission la réinsertion socio professionnels des jeunes( filles et garçons ) issus des milieux défavorisés par le sport et les métiers

      GABF ONG

      GABF-ONG est une organisation non gouvernementale d'appui au développement communautaire à l'endroit des personnes et des couches vulnérables au Bénin entier ...


      La Croix-Rouge Béninoise est auxiliaire des pouvoirs publics avec plus de 12600 volontaires. Elle représente le Mouvement International de la CRCR au Bénin. ...


      Nous accompagnons les acteurs et les partenaires à disposer des informations sur la mise en œuvre et le suivi des agendas de développement.

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