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About us: Unity Initiative for Refugees (UIR) is a non-profit organization is Refugee Led organization that was formed on 01 January 2019 with the aim to span ...
Working on intangible cultural treasures and heritage regional and ethnic cuisines to support the local producers via empowering women and youth with workshops ...
29 NGO net working toward the establishment of sustainable development projects and integrating them into society by providing health, cultural, and social care ...
Direct Aid is an international humanitarian organization based in Kuwait and is a member of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. ...
Wework to promote the creation of spaces to exchange facilitate access to business opportunities & the promotion of economic initiatives with high social impact ...
a cooperative that makes services for shareholders and their families an children by helping them by commercilising their agricultural products
An NGO in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, a member-based foundation with national pediatric activities.
As a global Islamic finance and economy advisory group with SDGs focus: FINEOPOLIS believes in a new paradigm that puts finance at the service of development an ...
Domaines: optimisation des systèmes des systèmes de santé, lutte contre les inégalités de genre(VBG, pauvreté)médicalisation des zones rurales .
to enable women from effective participation in public life and regionally and internationally with radiation devote equal opprtunities between women and men. ...
Tunisia PLUS is a Tunisian NGO which acts in the field of social cohesion, the propagation of the culture of tolerance and the positive development of young peo ...
Le TFYE est une association indépendante, apolitique et à but non lucratif qui vise le renforcement des capacités et amélioration des compétences des jeunes. ...
a non-profit association created in Sousse in 2014 Specialized in financial and psychological support and care for children, youth and women.
Nous nous considérons comme une alternative à la concrétisation des idées, une structure non politique et démocratique de la société civile à Gabès. Notre visio ...
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