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      Green tech tunisia

      work on climat changes and technologie

      MENA can

      We are on a mission to inspire and empower social entrepreneurs, grassroots media and civil society groups to change our world for the better.

      Misr ElKheir Foundation

      MISR EL KHEIR FOUNDATION-(MEK) is an Egyptian NGO- since 20/5/2007. We are a developmental NGO & non-profit organization, concerned with Human Development. ...

      Development Association of Sfax Network Olive Twig

      29 NGO net working toward the establishment of sustainable development projects and integrating them into society by providing health, cultural, and social care ...


      Revival : development and environmental protection Aims to Empowering youth and women in social, cultural and economic life Developing youth skills and enhancin ...


      Skills21 is an edtech that is training African and Middle eastern on business skills through online programs and matches them with top companies in the region. ...

      Tinest co and co

      Wework to promote the creation of spaces to exchange facilitate access to business opportunities & the promotion of economic initiatives with high social impact ...

      The Cooperative for agricultural services El Amal Zarat

      a cooperative that makes services for shareholders and their families an children by helping them by commercilising their agricultural products

      Fineopolis consulting

      As a global Islamic finance and economy advisory group with SDGs focus: FINEOPOLIS believes in a new paradigm that puts finance at the service of development an ...

      Santé Sud

      Domaines: optimisation des systèmes des systèmes de santé, lutte contre les inégalités de genre(VBG, pauvreté)médicalisation des zones rurales .

      Association Tounissiet

      to enable women from effective participation in public life and regionally and internationally with radiation devote equal opprtunities between women and men. ...

      Tunisia Plus

      Tunisia PLUS is a Tunisian NGO which acts in the field of social cohesion, the propagation of the culture of tolerance and the positive development of young peo ...

      Tunisian Forum For Youth Empowerment (TFYE)

      Le TFYE est une association indépendante, apolitique et à but non lucratif qui vise le renforcement des capacités et amélioration des compétences des jeunes. ...

      الجمعية التونسية أولادنا Association Tunisienne Awledna

      a non-profit association created in Sousse in 2014 Specialized in financial and psychological support and care for children, youth and women.

      Gabès Action

      Nous nous considérons comme une alternative à la concrétisation des idées, une structure non politique et démocratique de la société civile à Gabès. Notre visio ...

      The Raiders

      Incubator for community projects

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