Campaign status
Campaign Completed: The campaign has achieved successful funding, raising $23,500 through Kitabisa and the organization´s platform donations.
The campaign aims to provide assistance to the community in building awareness of the importance of implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle through the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) program. This program applies the Down-Top pattern, which means that the assistance provided is not directly in the form of money or the construction of latrines, but through a group approach and building public awareness.
In the past, Mr. Arsad (40 years old) and his family considered defecating in the yard and rice fields to be normal.
Open defecation can lead to the contamination of water sources and the spread of waterborne diseases, impacting the health of individuals within the community. Additionally, the practice of defecating in rice fields can have negative consequences for the environment, affecting soil fertility and potentially contaminating crops.
Mr. Arsad's habits underwent a transformation when he received the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) trigger. Subsequently, he was invited and guided by the field facilitator to improve this behavior, particularly by constructing a latrine.
Mr. Arsad, realizing the negative impact of open defecation, decided to change his behavior. Despite facing challenging circumstances, he persevered, never giving up, and eventually succeeded in having his own toilet.
Until finally he invited the public to follow his steps. His years of efforts paid off.
"We don't want to be considered a dirty village—a village that doesn't want to progress. Now, I and local residents are enthusiastic about being free from open defecation," said Mr. Arsad, representing the Open Defecation Free Movement.
Thanks to his determination and enthusiasm, he successfully influenced his community, leading to the construction of a latrine driven by his own initiative and awareness.