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      Support Biogas Solutions for Women Farmers

      Support Biogas Solutions for Women Farmers

      The campaign will utilize biogas as a source of energy and fertilizer for women farmers and farmers with disabilities to enhance their economic opportunities. ...

      Ongoing campaign

      No Indonesian Kid is Left Behind

      No Indonesian Kid is Left Behind

      The campaign will ensure that children have safe and reliable transportation to access education.

      Providing Aid to Needy People in Indonesia

      Providing Aid to Needy People in Indonesia

      The campaigns provide aid to needy people in Indonesia through the use of zakat, infaq, alms, and online donations.

      $3,950,000 / $3,000,000

      Build a Community with Access to Water and Sanitation

      Build a Community with Access to Water and Sanitation

      The campaign will create a community that leads to independence by increasing and strengthening the local economy and improving health status in the village. ...

      $23,500 / $23,500

      Support Anti-Corruption School

      Support Anti-Corruption School

      The campaign will provide anti-corruption education for young people.

      Empower Children through Gardening Program

      Empower Children through Gardening Program

      The campaign will contribute to urban farming and biodiversity, targeting elementary schools through a gardening program.

      Ongoing campaign

      Help Build 8 Village Schools in Eastern Indonesia

      Help Build 8 Village Schools in Eastern Indonesia

      The Village School will be a space for the community to think freely and creatively, design, create, and innovate.

      $53,500 / $53,296

      Support the Production of 1,000 Recycled Bags

      Support the Production of 1,000 Recycled Bags

      The campaign will produce at least 1,000 bags from recycled materials, which will be distributed to communities in response to the single-use plastic ban. ...


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      NAMA Integrated Centre for Excellence NICE Tanzania

      NAMA Integrated Centre for Excellence is a not-for-profit organization working in Tanzania supporting Education and Third Sector organization Empowerment. ...

      Yayasan Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat Human Initiative, known as Human Initiative

      Working on Humanitarian and Development sectors which derived into four program; Disaster Risk Management, Child Protection, Empowerment and Infrastructure ...

      New Future Disaster Management Center

      New Future Disaster Management Center (NFDMC) is an organization that focuses to increase community capacity and disaster risk reduction.

      sinergi atap negeri

      Humanitarian philanthropic institutions, shelter homes, health assistance & disaster response units.

      Indonesia School of Journalism

      Centre of Training for Indonesia Journalists as Members of the Indonesia Journalist Association focuses on empowerment skill and knowladge in practice ...


      Trias Burkina Faso is a local NGO that aims to strenghten and support organisations of small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs

      Center for Environtment and Renewable Energy Studies or Pusat Studi Lingkungan dan Energi Terbarukan, PuSLET

      PuSLET stands as a pioneering hub dedicated to the exploration, research, and advancement of sustainable energy and environmental studies.

      agro muda perkasa

      organic chicken feed : Being a pioneer in providing herbal supplements chicken feed, to replace chemical-based antibiotics, which proved capable causing allergy ...

      Yayasan Perahu Kuning Harapan

      A non-profit organization that aims to provide access to education for children in remote and poverty-stricken areas by providing boats to reach their schools. ...


      We are INGO registered in Nigeria with Mission to support Less Privilege ones, Community Development, gender equality and economic Empowerment scheme

      Yayasan Riyadul Atfal Ismailiyah

      YAYASAN RIYADUL ATFAL ISMAILIYAH adalah lembaga yang terdaftar di kemenhukam dengan nomor SK. AHU-0021398.AH.01.04.Tahun 2020 Alamat : Kp. Ciharashas, Desa Sirn ...

      Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS)

      BAZNAS is a government based Indonesia zakat institution which collect zakat, infaq / shadaqah and other social funds (CSR) for poverty alleviation.


      AL HUDA MUSI RAWAS FOUNDATION Registered at Kemenkumham. with SK number. AHU-0027831.AH.01.04.Tahun 2021 Address : Dusun II, Tegal Rejo Village, Kec. Tugumulyo ...

      Sahabat Pedalaman

      Sahabat Pedalaman is a philanthropic organization that focuses on helping people in need in remote areas of Indonesia. Have 9,300+ beneficaries.

      Suci Quran Center

      Institutions that want to create a Quranic Society That Gives Blessing to the Ummah

      Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri

      Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri is an organisation with humanitarian, social and educational fields.

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