Campaign status
Campaign Completed: The campaign has achieved successful funding, raising $37,044:
- $6,402 through LaunchGood crowdfunding platform
- $15,505 through Pasar Modal Indonesia
- $4,333 through Tokopedia
- $4,470 through Benih Bahik
- $2,885 through Kitabisa crowdfunding platform
- $3,449 through Platform Rumah Asuh donations
The campaign aims to provide 8 educational boats to transport children and teachers living on remote islands in Indonesia.
"Sir, wait for us! We're going to school!" shouted a teacher as he ran after the boat to get to the teaching destination.

Crash! I don't know how many times the teachers missed the boat to reach SDN 006 Ungar. The elementary school's location on the opposite island requires them to travel by boat. Quite often, they have to wait for several hours to secure transportation.
Pak Azwar is one of those teachers. His residence is on Kundur Island, while he has to teach on Manda Island.

The same situation is also faced by students at MTS Al-Muttaqin. However, the roles are reversed. MTS students reside on Manda Island, while their school is situated on Kundur Island.
“Our school is on the opposite island, Sis. We have to take a boat there,” explained one of the MTS students from Al-Muttaqin. Imagine what it's like to have to cross the island every day just to attend school.

Enduring the scorching sun or rainfall, they persevere through it all. Their dedication to gaining an education is truly remarkable.
Their aspirations are humble – teachers aspiring to educate the nation's next generation and students yearning to achieve their dreams. In their hands lies the future of our country.
They earnestly hope for the provision of a free boat that can transport them to school every day.

Currently, our teams and volunteers facilitate the boats' travel to and from the school. Each journey spans 2 hours, much of it involving manual efforts, which, of course, has health implications for our team. Introducing a motorboat will cut down this travel time by 80%, enabling our students and teachers to allocate more time to the classroom rather than spending it on transportation.

This boat will serve as transportation for teachers and students who need to traverse the island for teaching, learning, and other public activities that support the daily life of the community. In addition to the boats for the Education program, as an entity, we also extend support for foster care and educational assistance to these students. Furthermore, we provide internet access to remote areas, thereby enhancing the education of these students.