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      Support the Production of 1,000 Recycled Bags

      Support the Production of 1,000 Recycled Bags

      The campaign will produce at least 1,000 bags from recycled materials, which will be distributed to communities in response to the single-use plastic ban. ...


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      Yayasan Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat Human Initiative, known as Human Initiative

      Working on Humanitarian and Development sectors which derived into four program; Disaster Risk Management, Child Protection, Empowerment and Infrastructure ...

      New Future Disaster Management Center

      New Future Disaster Management Center (NFDMC) is an organization that focuses to increase community capacity and disaster risk reduction.

      Center for Environtment and Renewable Energy Studies or Pusat Studi Lingkungan dan Energi Terbarukan, PuSLET

      PuSLET stands as a pioneering hub dedicated to the exploration, research, and advancement of sustainable energy and environmental studies.

      Yayasan Perahu Kuning Harapan

      A non-profit organization that aims to provide access to education for children in remote and poverty-stricken areas by providing boats to reach their schools. ...


      We are INGO registered in Nigeria with Mission to support Less Privilege ones, Community Development, gender equality and economic Empowerment scheme

      Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri

      Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri is an organisation with humanitarian, social and educational fields.

      Global Care Mover

      Global Care Mover is an organization engaged in the fields of humanity and education,

      ACT Foundation

      ACT is a foundation on the social and humanitarian fields, includes : Emergency response, Post-disaster recovery programs, Community development & Empowerment ...

      Gazze Destek Derneği

      GDD is a nonprofit humanitarian and development organization aiming to address the humanitarian and development needs of vulnerable and refugees worldwide. ...

      Teman UMKM

      Helping small medium enterprise to grow

      Yayasan Inara

      Insan Negeri Nusantara Foundation (INARA) is engaged in social, education, and environmental fields throughout West Java, Indonesia

      Yayasan Wahana Bakti Sejahtera

      Yayasan Wahana Bakti Sejahtera is a non-government organization that engaged in Health, Education, Entrepreneurship and also the empowerment of Human Resources ...

      Bina Swadaya Foundation

      B,ina Swadaya is an institution that concerns in community empowerment activities nationwide, having its root in the Pancasila socio-economic movement. ...


      Kopernik is an R&D lab conducting lean experiments to find what works and what doesn't to address social and environmental challenges.

      kelompok tani tallu salu

      Tallu Salu farmer group consists of farmers who have the same mission to improve the lives of farmers in our distrik.

      Hutan Itu Indonesia

      Hutan Itu Indonesia is a movement-based organization with a deep concern for the continued survival of Indonesia’s forests who opt to use positive message. ...

      Baznas Provinsi NTB

      BAZNAS ProvincNTB is a non-structural government agency authorized to carry out the task of managing zakat, religious social funds, including CSR social funds ...

      Yayasan Amada Maju Berbudaya

      AMADA pursue and ensure impacts. We work through campaign; knowledge management; creative products; human capability and community empowerment.

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