Establish a Traditional Weaving Center

The campaign will empower women in weaving to establish a new center to broaden the empowerment opportunities for more women in the region.

Establish a Traditional Weaving Center

Ongoing campaign

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Campaign Status

Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds. 


The campaign aims to empower thousands of women in the weaving industry.


For the people of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), weaving holds significant cultural value as an ancestral heritage and serves as a traditional necessity for the community. Despite the importance of weaving for income generation, many individuals engage in weaving with minimal materials and capital. Unfortunately, the woven products are currently sold in the local market, yielding modest results. This is exemplified in the story of Mrs. Halimah, a widow from Alor, NTT, who, as the backbone of her three sons after her husband's passing, relies on weaving as the primary source of income, earning between Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 500,000 monthly.

The wages Mrs. Halimah earns are often insufficient for basic needs, let alone covering the educational expenses of her three children. Despite aspiring to send her children to college, the income generated from selling her woven fabrics in Alor is limited, primarily due to the competitive market with numerous other weavers like her.

Considering the potential, envision if Mrs. Halimah diversified her products, creating items such as masks, bags, or pouches from her woven fabric. By expanding the marketing reach through online platforms like e-commerce and social media, the selling value could increase, enabling Mrs. Halimah to generate a larger profit. Mrs. Halimah's story is not unique; many women weavers in NTT share similar challenges due to limited access to information, hindering their awareness of effective ways to market their weaving products.

Solution is an empowerment program for women in weaving, especially those in remote areas. The program provides essential weaving equipment and conducts diverse workshops to enhance their skills. The exceptional handmade creations by these skilled weavers are prominently featured on various e-commerce platforms and social media ( Currently established in Alor and Sumba, collaborates with 21 Tangguh weavers, aiming to empower the remarkable skills inherited from their ancestors while preserving cultural richness. is more than just a center; it represents a grand vision for the interior of Indonesia. It aims to empower citizens, break the cycle of poverty, sustain culture, and reveal the beauty of the country. By being a part of this significant dream, you contribute to assisting numerous individuals like Mrs. Halimah in NTT. Your support not only enhances their skills but also contributes to the economic well-being of many families and the broader East Nusa Tenggara region.

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