Campaign Status
Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds.
The campaign will provide life skills training, entrepreneurship, and venture capital financing to 500 women farmers.
In addition to nurturing future generations, numerous women/mothers are engaged in farming, taking on a multitude of responsibilities. Unfortunately, a significant number of them lack life skills training that could contribute to their future well-being. Consequently, many face challenges in effectively balancing their roles at home and work, leading to increased stress levels.

In an endeavor to enhance the confidence and competence of women farmers, the Social Welfare Institution (LKS) APIK Mandiri is dedicated to providing training across various domains. This includes:
- Dissemination of knowledge through group counseling, ensuring that women who are victims of violence, including those in need of medical services or legal assistance, receive necessary support.

- Conducting regular weekly meetings for beneficiaries with the aim of overseeing the positive changes they undergo. Additionally, the institution will extend assistance to farmer groups through three core training programs:
a) Entrepreneurship training to empower them towards economic independence,
b) Life skills training to help them explore and develop their abilities and strengths, and
c) Digital marketing training to impart online marketing strategies and teach the effective use of gadgets for merchandise.

The training aims to empower farmer groups and facilitate modern learning opportunities for women farmers, particularly in the realm of online marketing.
Upon program completion, we plan to offer Business Capital and establish a Marketplace for the agricultural products they cultivate.
The program targets 500 female farmers aged 25-40 who are engaged in farming either as wage earners or working in others' fields. Commitment to participating in all mentoring stages is a prerequisite, and collaboration with additional stakeholders will further increase the number of beneficiaries.
The selected locations for this initiative include various districts in Lampung Province, namely Pringsewu, Pesawaran, Tulang Bawang, and South Lampung.