The campaign will enhance food security among vulnerable households in the provinces of Mayo Kebbi West and East, ultimately safeguarding lives.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will increase girls' school attendance rates, improve students' learning conditions by providing school supplies, and impart knowledge in agricultu ...
The campaign will improve the living conditions of women and children through better access to healthcare.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will improve health, ensure child protection, and empower women's groups.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will improve the income level and living conditions of vulnerable women's groups, especially in rural and urban areas in the targeted provinces. ...
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will enable self-development and contribute to poverty alleviation within rural communities.
The campaign will improve agricultural productivity and contribute to reducing food insecurity and poverty.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will combat climate change and poverty in Chad.
The campaign will improve living conditions by providing access to water.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will promote the education and inclusion of children with disabilities.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will improve Sudanese refugee women´s quality of life, restore their dignity, and enhance their overall well-being.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will enhance the medical care for rural residents affected by scorpion stings.
Ongoing campaign
ONG ASAME est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif travaillant pour l’autonomisation, la promotion et l’émancipation socio-économique intégré ...
Ngai pe NGO consisting to fight against malnutrition through agriculture and teaching about entrepreneuship bootcamp
Organization la lumière du salut pour le développement est une organisation humanitaire à but non lucrative. Elle a pour Objet d'assister les couches vulnérable ...
Nous, Membres Fondateurs de l’Organisation « Initiative Africaine pour le Développement Durable », en abrège IA2D à but non lucratif est apolitique ; Constatant ...
البشائر هي: منظمة غير حكومية وغير ربحية تعمل في المجال الانساني والتنموي ولها خبرة لاتقل عن احد ى عشرة سنة
Promotion accès à l'eau potable, l'éducation, à l'hygiène et assainissement, sécurité alimentaire des couches vulnérables
جمعية خيرية إنسانية شبابية، تعمل في مجال التعليم والشباب والمرأة وتنمية المجتمع
House of Africa, a NGO and non-profit organization based in Chad and is a member of Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and AU ECOSOCC. ...
Our unwavering mission is to empower women and girls in Chad, and extend our impact beyond borders. We envision a future where their voices resound, dreams come ...
IWWAA was founded with the goal of providing clean drinking and utility water to regions of the world that need access to clear water the most.
Organisation Internationale de Lutte contre l'Extremisme Violent qui intervient pour appuyer les jeunes et renforcer leur capacité.
D’être l’acteur incontournable dans le processus des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) au Tchad
ONG ALTAKATOUF est une organisation humanitaire et intervient dans les actions de développement à travers ses secteurs d'intervention.
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