Greener Minds

The campaign will integrate sustainability and climate change education into the school curriculum.

Greener Minds

Ongoing campaign

Campaign Status

Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds. 


The campaign aims to empower 1,800 school children and 30 teachers in six schools across three communities by incorporating topics on climate change and up-cycling practices, planting 60 fruit trees, and promoting waste management and reduction.


Did you know that over 1,000,000 children in Ekiti State, Nigeria, attending schools generate massive tons of waste each day? Rough calculations estimate that these schools produce at least 500,000 tons of waste annually. The accumulation of waste, especially in drainage systems and waterways, obstructs the natural flow of water during heavy rains, leading to blockages and increased flood risk. This not only contributes to environmental degradation but also exacerbates the risk of flooding in our communities. 


Our goal is to equip school children with the knowledge of climate change and demonstrate sustainability in practical ways through waste to wealth creation. Environmental consciousness doesn't come naturally; it requires deliberate education and continuous integration of knowledge about the environment and its impacts. 

Through this campaign, we aim to empower 1,800 school children to become advocates and actors of sustainability. By raising awareness about the negative impacts of unsustainable actions, we inspire them to lead the change towards a better, greener world. 

We will provide educational materials, workshops, and practical demonstrations on waste-to-wealth creation to schools across Ekiti State. These initiatives will equip school children with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt sustainable practices and mitigate their environmental impact.

Additionally, the project prioritizes sustainability by building the capacity of 30 teachers in the six selected schools across three communities on climate education and up-cycling practices to enhance the integration of climate education into the curriculum.

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