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Established in 2008, SEO is a local NGO focused on empowering Afghan youth and communities through Humanitarian Assistance, Education, Economic Growth, Health.
Nonprofit organisation
100 000 - 1 000 000 USD
Established in 2008, Society Empowerment Organization (SEO) is a dedicated local NGO focused on empowering Afghan youth and communities through education, economic growth, and community engagement. Over the past 15 years, SEO has successfully completed over 40 projects, directly impacting thousands of lives across Afghanistan.
SEO has enhanced Humanitarian Assistance, Education, Economic Growth, Health, Nutrition, Community Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Reintegration for Returnees and IDPs, Legal Assistance, Protection, Research and Development, and Peace and Conflict Resolution programs in Afghanistan. Our comprehensive approach ensures sustainable development for Afghans.
Through our unwavering commitment, SEO has played a vital role in promoting economic opportunities, secondary education, and self-sufficiency, contributing to a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan.
Our Partners: SEO’s efforts have been supported by key donors and partners including UN-Women, UN-WFP, UNESCO, IDLO, the World Bank, IOM, CARE International, Creative Associates, USIP, UNDP, OSF, and various local entities. Our current projects encompass Education, Emergency Response, Food Assistance Distribution, Legal Assistance, and Economic Growth initiatives aimed at aiding marginalized populations, returnees, and vulnerable families.