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PYU non-Profit organization registered on 2002 under (No. PA.: RA-2229-CU ), focuses on developing, strengthening, supporting the role of Palestinian youth.
Nonprofit organisation
100 000 - 1 000 000 USD
About Palestinian Youth Union/ PYU:
The Palestinian Youth Union is non-Profit organization established on 1992 and registered on 2002 under Registration No. PA.: RA-2229-CU (in the Ministry of interior). PYU work focuses on developing, strengthening, and supporting the role of Palestinian youth (males and females) by participating in decision-making, leading change, and enhancing the resilience of youth and their families, and by supporting all individual and collective initiatives and youth cooperatives through many programs and activities aimed at enhancing the role of youth and improving their living conditions. PYU implemented many programs in the West Bank, including Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, with the aim of preserving the national identity and Palestinian cultural heritage, and economic empowerment programs in the fields of agriculture, industry, and services, and worked to raise youth awareness of their daily issues and challenges through various media programs.
PYU also organized campaigns to support and advocate for youth issues to influence policies, as well as voluntary campaigns with the aim of promoting voluntary work as a social value, in addition PYU conducted studies, research and social surveys about the needs and problems of young people from the perspective of young people themselves, during Corona pandemic PYU volunteers with the support of PYU played their role during emergency situations.
In order to ensure the strengthening of the PYU’s relationship with the less fortunate communities, PYU took the initiative to establish youth and women’s centers in different villages all over the governorates. PYU closed its headquarters in the Gaza Strip in light of the 2007 events, but it continued to cooperate and network with the grassroots institutions in line with its mission based on partnership with local organizations, PYU also worked on networking and cooperation with various civil, governmental and international institutions at the local and regional levels.
PYU Vision
The Palestinian Youth Union is looking forward to an active participation of Palestinian youth to become leaders and agents for change towards a youth social movement.
PYU Mission
The Palestinian Youth Union empowers Palestinian youth (males and females) from the age of 18 to 35 towards their immediate and future choices and to strengthen their resilience in line with the values of the Palestinian society and democracy by providing frameworks and enabling environments to achieve their aspirations. Our scope of work includes influencing legislations, programes, plans, institutional procedures and developing youth capacities and their families by integrating their knowledge, skills and experiences, in addition to community culture, infrastructure and institutionalization, and activating their societal role, moreover, PYU gives attention to children and teenagers (males and females) as future pillars
PYU values and principles
Integrity, transparency, voluntary work, belonging, collective and cooperative work, strengthening resilience, community work, equality and justice, community participation, commitment to the Palestinian independence declaration and international human rights conventions
Geographic areas of PYU work
All Palestinian governorates in West Bank including Jerusalem, Gaza strip and regionally
Strategic Objectives and results of PYU
The overall strategic objective of PYU: To reinforce the active participation and Palestinian youth (males and females) leaders towards youth social movement.
PYU is looking to achieve its vision through the following strategic objectives:
1- The first strategic objective: To enhance the interaction of Palestinian youth, their influence, their active participation, and their leadership role in their society in all aspects.
2- The second strategic objective: Strengthening the role of Palestinian youth and empowering them to lead, participate and contribute to poverty eradication, unemployment, vulnerability and other challenges in all sectors to enhance their resilience and facilitate their access to resources and information.
3- The third strategic objective: Increase opportunities for cooperation, networking, building partnerships and institutionalizing the relation with relevant parties to raise performance efficiency and enhance working with youth.
4- Fourth Strategic Objective: To develop the individual and institutional capacities of the Palestinian Youth Union to contribute to achieving PYU’s vision.