Campaign Status
Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds.
This project aims to enhance economic integration by offering skill training to 45 unskilled, unemployed household members of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups in the host communities.
The IDP population in Bosaso, Bari region, and other vulnerable groups such as rural immigrants, economic immigrants, minority groups, and returned refugees from the host communities are recognized as the most vulnerable people in Bosaso, lacking essential livelihood facilities. They earn their living through low-income jobs, including casual labor, porters, and garbage collection.
DANDOR has decided to conduct additional skill training for unemployed IDPs and other vulnerable individuals in Bosaso, proposing a new project. This project aims to complement the outcomes of previously conducted skill training initiatives, providing marketable skills to 45 family members of IDPs and other vulnerable individuals in Bosaso. DANDOR conducted a preliminary study to identify appropriate interventions for ensuring the economic and social integration of this impoverished IDP population with their host communities.

The main skills to be achieved within the limited timeframe of the project have been identified, and DANDOR has prioritized six marketable skills, including:
- Electricity
- Beauty salon henna dressing
- Tailoring and garment making

This project proposal seeks to build on existing efforts and contribute to the empowerment and integration of the targeted population.