Campaign Status
Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds.
The campaign aims to fulfill the dreams of 300 children living in village schools in the Marmara Region.
Every child has a dream. Some dream of reaching the stars in the sky, some of owning a new toy, and some dream of learning and exploring. However, unfortunately, children in the villages of our country do not have equal opportunities to fulfill these dreams. We must act together to ensure that children receiving education in village schools have the same opportunities as their peers in big cities. Let's join hands to stand by these children, full of dreams, hopes, and potential, and to give them confidence in their futures.

Under the leadership of BİGSDER, we are coming together to reduce inequalities in village schools across Turkey and to fulfill at least one dream of the children.
First, we will have the dreams of 300 children living in village schools in the Marmara Region illustrated, and then we will make these depicted dreams a reality.

We will compile a "Dream Encyclopedia" using the drawings made by the children whose dreams have come true. Each donation will expand a child's imagination, help them discover their potential, and nourish their hopes. Remember, in the past, you might have been a supporter who helped fulfill someone's dream. Now it's our turn to fulfill the dreams of these children!

Together, let's bring hope to children in village schools, bring smiles to their faces, and shed light on their futures. By supporting their imagination and potential, we will lay the foundations of a fairer world together.

You too can take a step today to fulfill a child's dream. Support the fulfillment of one child's dream with 150 TL. Each donation will be a beacon of hope, create a smile, and illuminate a child's future.
With your support now, let's spread our wings over the dreams of children in village schools. Let's act together to fill the Dream Piggy Bank!