Restoring Hope: Empowering Communities through Skills Acquisition

The campaign will empower women, youth, and vulnerable community members by providing skills to enhance their livelihood opportunities.

Restoring Hope: Empowering Communities through Skills Acquisition

Ongoing campaign

Campaign Status

Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds. 


The campaign aims to equip a vocational training center for women with the necessary tools and resources.


Since the outbreak of the socio-political crisis in 2016, Cameroon has been grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis that has disrupted the very fabric of society. This crisis has profoundly affected education, livelihoods, and social cohesion, with women and girls bearing a significant brunt of the impact.

The education system has been devastated, shattering the dreams and aspirations of countless children. According to the OCHA Humanitarian Needs Overview 2024, over 700,000 children have dropped out of school since the crisis began in 2017. Additionally, data from the Northwest and Southwest regions indicate that more than 2,300 schools are non-functional, leaving nearly 300,000 children of school age without access to quality education. This lack of education perpetuates a cycle of poverty and suffering.

The crisis has also severely impacted the livelihoods of many families, particularly those dependent on agriculture and small businesses. With their sources of income decimated, many families struggle to put food on the table and afford basic necessities. The breakdown of social structures has exposed the most vulnerable members of society—especially women and children—to exploitation and abuse. Women, girls, and youth, often left as heads of households, face the harsh reality of having to fend for themselves and their families, frequently resorting to negative coping mechanisms.

Dalia's dream of attending university faded as her family’s resources dwindled when the crisis forced her to leave Ndian and move in with her aunt. With her education interrupted, her future seemed uncertain. However, Caritas stepped in to offer Dalia a lifeline—training in secretarial duties and business communication. Now, Dalia is seizing this opportunity not only to acquire valuable skills but also to gain the confidence needed to become self-employed and forge a new path for her future.

Similarly, the dreams of Agbor, Rosette, and Wase were dashed by the harsh reality of Cameroon's socio-political crisis. Forced to abandon their education, their futures appeared bleak. Yet, amid the hardship, hope emerged. Caritas, in collaboration with its partners, recognized their potential and provided them with a lifeline—the opportunity to learn a trade and build a future free from limitations. Today, these young women are eagerly developing skills in tailoring, garment marking, dress design, and decoration, with their sights set on a brighter tomorrow.


At Caritas, we believe that empowering the vulnerable and underprivileged with vocational and entrepreneurial skills is crucial for restoring hope and rebuilding lives. With the space for our vocational center already secured and ongoing requests for assistance, our campaign aims to raise funds to fully equip the center. This facility will provide individuals with essential skills and support, fostering self-sufficiency, enhancing employability, and breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

Caritas has a proven track record of making a significant difference in the lives of the vulnerable within the Diocese of Kumba. Over the years, we have reached more than 100,000 beneficiaries through various sectors, including food security and livelihood, health, nutrition, protection, child protection, GBV prevention, and education.

With your support, we can equip this center with the essential tools and resources needed to provide a pathway to self-sufficiency and hope for those who have endured immense hardships. Imagine the impact we can achieve by empowering many individuals with the skills they need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

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