Provide Life-Saving Clean Water in Yemen

The campaign will ensure the provision of clean, safe drinking water that is easily accessible to the displaced people.

Provide Life-Saving Clean Water in Yemen

Ongoing campaign

Campaign Status

Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds. 


The campaign will rehabilitate a well and provide clean water to 180 families and a community of 1,260 displaced individuals.


There is a need to provide clean, safe, and accessible drinking water for these communities where the current method of obtaining water from an old well using a bucket poses significant dangers, especially to women and children. Ensuring a reliable and safe water source close to these communities is essential to reduce these risks and improve overall health and well-being.


Our project aims to rehabilitate the well of Deir Al-Aqash in the Al-Zahra Directorate of Al-Hudaydah Governorate, Yemen, which serves 180 families and a community of 1,260 displaced individuals. This initiative will ensure the provision of clean, safe drinking water that is easily accessible to the community. Currently, the well is old, and water is obtained using buckets, posing significant risks to women and children. The project will be accomplished through the following steps:

  • Cleaning the well and constructing a protective casing around it.
  • Installing a well cover.
  • Supplying and installing a solar-powered pumping system to lift water from the well to a distribution point near the well.
  • Establishing a distribution point near the well and installing a 5000-liter tank and 10 taps with well-protected manholes surrounded by a mesh fence and a lockable gate.
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