As part of the campaign, 135 animals not intended for breeding will be sterilized in 12 months, kept by pensioners and the poor, in the best veterinary clinics, which on a contractual basis provide discounts to the Animal Welfare Society "Mehr va Oqibat", which will reduce the appearance of about 3,240 animals per year (minimum).
The uncontrolled increase in the number of homeless animals creates an unsafe environment for both people and animals. One can see a large number of cases of cruelty to animals, cases of attacks or bites by animals, cruelty on the part of catching services, a threat to sanitary and epidemiological well-being. According to statistics from the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), in 6 years a pair of cats, taking into account the offspring of their offspring, can produce a population of 420,000 individuals; and a pair of dogs - 67,000. Unfortunately, we often encounter a situation when animal owners throw small kittens and puppies out into the street, not having the opportunity to keep them. This leads to numerous cases of cruelty to animals, a threat to sanitary and epidemiological well-being and an increase in negativity in society
towards animals.

To solve this problem, the Animal Welfare Society "Mehr va Oqibat" is launching a crowdfunding campaign of the same name "Mehr va Oqibat" to raise funds for the sterilization of animals kept by pensioners, low-income and conditional owners. Our goal is to collect 45,000,000 soums, which will allow sterilizing 135 animals within 12 months.
Statistics speak for themselves: sterilization is the most humane way to reduce the number of homeless animals. Each sterilized cat or dog will not be able to produce 3240 animals per year, which will prevent an increase in the number of homeless animals will prevent an increase in the number of homeless animals. As part of our campaign, we plan to cooperate with the best veterinary clinics such as MyVet, Doctor vet, Elvet, Impuls and Doctor Animals, which provide discounts to the Animal Welfare Society "Mehr va Oqibat". Our campaign will be implemented from August to October 2024. The campaign will be carried out for animals that are not intended for breeding and are kept by pensioners and the poor. Our team of volunteers will work for free, and the campaign budget will be used exclusively for sterilization. We call on all caring people to take part in our campaign. If each of the 19.7 million working people in Uzbekistan donates just 100 soums, we will be able to sterilize at least one animal every day. We plan to involve opinion leaders, Pro Bono experts, pop stars and athletes as goodwill ambassadors to draw public attention to the campaign.
Together we can make the world a better place for them. Support our campaign "Mehr va Oqibat" and help us sterilize animals to prevent the emergence of new homeless animals.
This campaign was developed as a result of the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy, with support from ISFD and IsDB, and implementing partner UNDP.