Let No One Stay in the Dark

The campaign will provide cataract surgeries to 300 people in Syria.

Let No One Stay in the Dark

Ongoing campaign

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Campaign Status

Ongoing Online: The campaign is currently ongoing online, and as a result, the fundraising process continues.


The campaign aims to provide cataract surgeries to 300 people in Syria.


Did you know that a simple 15-minute surgery can change someone's life forever? Imagine being on the verge of losing your vision due to cataracts, but with a quick procedure, you can regain the gift of sight. Unfortunately, millions around the world don't have access to this life-changing surgery, and they're at risk of permanent blindness.

Cataracts don't discriminate. They affect young and old alike, whether due to age or the traumatic aftermath of war. In Syria, where conflict has ravaged lives, even children are experiencing the devastating effects of cataracts. That's why we're launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring hope to those in need.

Through the World Cataract Project, we've already performed over 80,000 surgeries in underserved regions since 2017. But there are still so many waiting for their chance to see again. In our Eye Clinic in Syria, 300 cataract patients are on the brink of irreversible blindness. They've been waiting for surgery, but financial constraints have kept them from accessing the care they desperately need.

One of these individuals is Aunt Mariash, a 70-year-old woman who has been living with cataracts for the past 10 years. For a decade, she has relied on her daughter in Idlib, where it's nearly impossible for a disabled individual to meet their own needs.

Her daughter became her lifeline, sacrificing her own opportunities for marriage to care for her mother. We performed Aunt Mariash's surgery at our Eye Clinic in Idlib, and since her eyes opened, her greatest dream has been for her daughter to focus on her own life.


You can be the beacon of hope for Aunt Mariash and others like her. With just $75, you can cover the cost of one surgery and prevent someone from a lifetime of darkness.

Your contribution will not only restore sight but also transform lives. Every donation brings us closer to our goal of helping these 300 patients regain their vision and independence.

Join us in making a difference.

Together, we can ensure that no one is left in the dark.

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