Campaign Status
Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline and, thus still in the process of collecting funds.
The campaign aims to implement windbreak hedges by planting 120,000 plants, installing 10 solar-powered water pumps, launching market gardening with 3,000 seedlings, while educating 300 individuals on entrepreneurship and climate change, conducting radio awareness sessions reaching 10,000 people, and sensitizing 5,000 people to become advocates for climate change.
The challenge of combating desertification and fostering socio-economic integration persists, particularly in regions where environmental degradation threatens livelihoods. Despite efforts, young women and men face barriers to employability, hindering their economic participation and exacerbating social disparities. To address this multifaceted issue, there is a critical need to develop sustainable socio-economic integration strategies that not only enhance environmental protection and mitigate climate change but also promote food security and foster income growth.

The project, through its activities, will contribute to achieving several high-level objectives, impacting both N'Djamena in the Mao province and the entire national territory of Chad. It will help promote quality training in line with local development. Through this focus, the project supports technical and specific training tailored to the socio-economic realities of young women and men, enhancing their skills in the production, processing, and marketing of agro-sylva pastoral, fisheries, and para-agricultural products.

It also supports the capacity building of youth NGOs and associations (women and men), involving the development of support and mentoring actions for these organizations through small-scale equipment in the agricultural, livestock, and fishing sectors to increase their productivity. Additionally, it supports strategies for social mobilization in favor of traditional and religious authorities and youth. This axis encompasses all advocacy, awareness-raising, and social communication actions (forum theater, mobile video) aimed at bringing about a change in mindset among young people. Some actions will influence educational policies and minimize the adoption of extremist behavior in Chad.

The implementation of windbreak hedges will occur through the planting of 120,000 plants on a 10-hectare area; installation of 10 water pumps supported by solar panel systems for irrigation; implementation of market gardening with 3,000 seedlings; establishment of 02 quality control mechanisms; establishment of 02 entrepreneurial marketing and sales mechanisms; establishment of 02 training and support mechanisms for targets; training 100 individuals on the importance of market gardening and climate change mitigation; training 200 individuals on entrepreneurship through market gardening and reforestation; organization of 20 awareness sessions through radio broadcasts on climate change and reforestation through the implementation of windbreak hedges benefiting 10,000 people; 5,000 people from 200 households are sensitized and become actors in the fight against climate change.