Information CenterFor Research And Development

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Information Center for Research and Development (ICRD): A civil Iraqi center, with an independent legal personality, seeks to fulfill its objectives, as written


Organisation type

Nonprofit organisation

Country of Registration

Annual Budget

100 000 - 1 000 000 USD



SDG / Categories

Decent work & Economic GrowthReduced InequalitiesGender EqualityLife on LandNo PovertyPeace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Field of Activities

Poverty Alleviation
Women Empowerment

Organisation Laguage





ali saheb



 Information Center for Research and Development (ICRD): A civil Iraqi center, with an independent legal personality, works in 6 governance ( Baghdad,Basrah,Mousel,Salaheldeen, Anbar, De qar(Nsiriah)) and aims to facilitates access to information for society, raise the constitutional and legal awareness and establish more communication between the citizens and the government by activate the role of general poll to support decision making, establish more communication between the citizens and the governments especially the youth citizens.

ICRD is a member in the Iraqi Social Forum's national committee, one of it's founders, and had active participation in ISF's activities and launched the NGOs guide in Iraq, in both printed and virtually versions, also condacted several political papers, polls,periodical reports,books and researches,in different subjects.

ICRD has many partnerships, such as: TOSD, FES, the Jordanian Phenix Center for Economics & Informatics Studies, pax for peace and particpate in many international conferences and seminars regarding Iraq's UPR and wps.

Currently, ICDR manages several projects on the topics of women's political participation and workers' rights and continues to prepare research papers and statistics regarding freedoms and rights in Iraqi society.