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Emergency Care Organization for Humanity (ECHO) operates with an affiliated registered license under Registered under number 5277 of the Ministry of Economy (MO


Organisation type

Nonprofit organisation

Country of Registration

Annual Budget

25 000 - 100 000 USD



SDG / Categories

Decent work & Economic GrowthReduced InequalitiesIndustry, Innovation & InfrastructureResponsible Consumption & ProductionGender EqualityPartnerships for the GoalsLife on LandGood Health & Well BeingPeace, Justice & Strong InstitutionsZero HungerClean Water & SanitationQuality EducationSustainable Cities & CommunitiesClimate ActionLife Below WaterAffordable & Clean EnergyIslamic Finance (Zakat)

Field of Activities

Agricultural and Rural Development
Poverty Alleviation
Women Empowerment
Financial Inclusion

Organisation Laguage








A.     Emergency Care Organization for Humanity (ECHO) operates with an affiliated registered license under Registered under number 5277 of the Ministry of Economy (MOE) in accordance with the effective laws of the government of Afghanistan., ECHO is engaged in various sectors, including AGRICULTURE, LIVELIHOOD, SUSTAINABILITY, EDUCATION, RESILIENCE BUILDING, WINTERIZATION KITS, HYGIENE KITS, WATER, SANITATION, and EMERGENCY RESPONSES, VOCATIONAL SKILLS TRAINING TVET. The organization is dedicated to disaster recovery events and contributing to the overall well-being of the communities it serves.

¥: Relevant Experience

·      ECOH, has successfully completed several projects in alternative and renewable energy, health, WASH, education, and other sectors. Currently, ECOH is engaged in a UNWFP project involving food commodities in Nangarhar and Kunar provinces of Afghanistan.

¨ Affiliations

We are active members of the following networks and clusters:

  • ACBAR (Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development): Actively engaged in humanitarian and development coordination across Afghanistan.
  • WASH Cluster: Contributing to water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives through collaboration and technical expertise.
  • CAPOR (Cluster for Assistance and Protection of Refugees): Supporting the protection and assistance of displaced and refugee communities.
  • Education Cluster: Promoting access to quality education in emergency and development contexts.
  • Child Protection Cluster: Ensuring the safeguarding of children’s rights and well-being in vulnerable communities.

·      Shelter Cluster: The Shelter Cluster coordinates the humanitarian response to provide safe, adequate, and sustainable shelter for displaced populations and vulnerable communities.

·      FSAC Cluster: The Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC)