Check out a collection of featured and recommended options below
Smart water leak and pollution early detectors using machine learning algorithms and augmented reality technologies.
تعمل مؤسسة رحمه على تقديم خدمات استشاريه وتدريبيه وتسويقه للمشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة وخاصه الزراعيه في محافظه اربد في الاردن و تبني مشاريع خاصه بهم بهدف تحسين م ...
جمعية تابعة لوزارة التنمية الاجتماعية نعمل مشاريع ريادية تكنولوجية لدعم المراة وتمكينها نعيل اكثر من 400 اسرة محتاجة وارامل وايتام ونقدم لهم مساعدات عينية ومالي ...
About us: Unity Initiative for Refugees (UIR) is a non-profit organization is Refugee Led organization that was formed on 01 January 2019 with the aim to span ...
منظمة غير ربحية تهتم في مجال التنمية المستدامة 17
Dal Global is a digital platform that connects NGOs to corporate donors to finance social impact projects.
Ayadi Al Badia Agricultural Cooperative Society It was founded in 2012, number of members is 55, the female component represents 60% of the number of members. ...
CLA has garnered support from experts in diverse fields, including Women's Empowerment, Training and Education, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and IT
We are an environmental association concerned with environmental issues, resource conservation and sustainability to obtain environmental justice.
Majlisna for Societal Development –is a non-governmental, non-profit civil society development organization that is the local partner of Civic UK
Working on intangible cultural treasures and heritage regional and ethnic cuisines to support the local producers via empowering women and youth with workshops ...
NAJMAH is a Jordanian, non-governmental-Non-profit organization founded in 2004. NAJMAH is a member of the International Alliance against Hunger.
The association mainly supports women and the youth workforce through projects aimed at employing them to provide them with financial income to help their famil ...
Established in 2003, APN is an independent NPO concerned with the protection of the environment and natural resources against all hazards.
Azraq Al Yamamah Charitable Society helps all its members, headed by the President of the Society, Mrs. Widad Al-Maghrabi, which help to create job for women ...
non-profit organization based in Amman, Jordan, founded in early 2020, works to provide psychological support and empowerment for people with disabilities ...
A non-profit civil society organization that aims to empower the local community, build their capabilities and achieve comprehensive development.
Achieving comprehensive economic development by working with the local community to improve their quality of life through means that serve business
Check out a collection of featured and recommended options below