Help young entrepreneurs in Morocco realize their dreams

The project aims to increase youth employability and economic inclusion in the society and give them a way out of drug addiction, theft, and immigration.

Help young entrepreneurs in Morocco realize their dreams

Ongoing campaign

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Campaign Status

Ongoing Offline: The campaign is currently ongoing offline, and as a result, the fundraising process continues.


The project aims to build entrepreneurship and soft skills through capacity building and mentorship focusing on young social entrepreneurs in the vulnerable neighborhoods of Meknes city in Morocco. The program’s goal is to increase youth employability and economic inclusion in society and give a path out of poverty and unlawful conduct. 

Meknes is a city that has not historically received the proper attention from the Moroccan government and local politicians, which limited job opportunities for youth and increased the rate of drug use and immigration.


Many Traditional and Artisan Workers have the required skills to shape their products and handicrafts but cannot develop and promote their work and increase their market outreach. Moreover, they are considered as non-structured workers because of their business legal status; which is affecting their income. They are barely making ends meet which makes them socially and economically unstable and dependent.


The Program aims to improve the employability skills of youth for those searching for a job, and for those who have a business idea that requires development in marginalized neighborhoods in Meknes, Morocco.

We believe that Morocco entrepreneurship is a way to increase youth employability and economic participation in society. It gives them new hope in building their future.

The program will target 30 beneficiaries and will help them launch their businesses, and become economic contributors, and leaders in their communities. The program will provide the participants with a set of integrated and practical workshops and follow-up activities, and link them with professionals and business owners to benefit from their experiences.   

The program will also secure internships for the ones seeking a job and partnerships or launching their businesses.

The program intends to:

Promote Entrepreneurship and Job Oriented Skills among Project Holders and Traditional and Artisan Workers:

We will provide our participants with many training and workshops to scale up their personal and professional skills to increase their opportunities in entrepreneurship, self-employment, and job seeking. At the end of the program, participants will gain personal and professional skills.

Long-Term Impact

1.1. Indicator

The number of participants who complete the training program.

1.2. Target

We target 50 participants during the program, 40 Project Holders, and 40 Traditional and Artisan Workers.

  1. Create a peaceful business environment between future graduates, entrepreneurs (Artisans without diplomas), and future entrepreneurs (Project holders): 

Our objective in creating this synergy and ecosystem is to give the chance for the 3 categories of participants to learn from each other and work together on common projects to consolidate their experiences and skills, and network for a better community. The participants will work on their projects and their business plans to be well-designed to launch their ventures and look for investments and available loans in the market.

2.1. Indicator

The number of businesses created by the program 

2.2. Target

We target the creation/scaling of 20 businesses for our participants

2.3. Data Source

Business Registration or Investment.

  1. Establish connections between the participants and successful entrepreneurs:

We will launch a professional network and create links of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities between our participants and successful entrepreneurs. We will conduct meetings with business owners and investors and organize visits to successful companies to connect our participants with different actors who will collaborate with them, and provide them with internship opportunities or partnerships in their businesses.

3.1. Indicator

The number of participants who will get internships or job opportunities and how much investment our participants will get from different project partners and stakeholders.

3.2. Target

We target ensuring internships and job opportunities for 20 participants and 1,000,000 MAD (100,000) investments or loans for the startups.

3.3. Data Source

Internship reports and partnerships signed between our participants and their investors.

In the program, we will support Project Holders and Traditional and Artisan Workers who are willing to launch businesses in the following industries:

  • Building Electricity
  • Traditional Handicraft
  • Plant Production

To implement our program, we will work on 3 different levels:

Level 1

Each group will benefit from personal development workshops, job-oriented training, and business development training. Inviting speakers, trainers, and professionals from different industries.


We will work closely with each category (Project Holders and Traditional and Artisan Workers) to develop their specific capacities by respecting the specificities of their background and their level of experience:

  • Project Holders: To benefit properly from the program and scale up their businesses and projects, we will provide them with coaching and support in entrepreneurship, strengthen their soft skills, guide them to professionalize their networks, and create direct links with market opportunities.
  • Traditional and Artisan Workers: This category has long experience in the small market but they have a big lack of skills in terms of using new techniques and strategies; thus, we will work with them in terms of qualification of their know-how, structure, and accelerate their businesses, strengthen their communication and technological skills and create links with market opportunities.

Level 3

We will conduct several meetings with business owners and investors and organize visits to successful companies to connect our participants with different actors who will collaborate with them, provide them with internship opportunities or partnerships in their businesses.

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