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Partners in Rural Integration and Development Organization-Sierra Leone (PRIDO-SL).

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Partners in Rural Integration and Development Organization-(PRIDO-SL) is a community indigenous based non-government and nonprofit organization in Sierra Leone.


Organisation type

Nonprofit organisation

Country of Registration

Annual Budget

0 - 25 000 USD



SDG / Categories

Quality EducationGender EqualityNo PovertyZero HungerClean Water & SanitationClimate ActionGood Health & Well BeingDecent work & Economic Growth

Field of Activities

Youth empowerment
Agricultural and Rural Development
Poverty Alleviation
Women Empowerment

Organisation Laguage



In 2010, a like-minded indigenous People got together to established an organization, for addressing the most urgent and pressing needs of poorest of the poor marginalized segments of the society.

Since then,the organization has been carrying a range of interventions in the areas of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, Agriculture and food security initiatives, youth & women empowerment, governance and human rights, formal and non-formal education.

The organization is registered with Government Line Ministries:

1.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

2.Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs

3.Karene District Council

MISSION STATEMENT: Partners in Rural Integration and Development Organization – Sierra Leone (PRIDO-SL) seek to protect the environment and conserved natural resources, educate and support the marginalized children, youth employment in the community, provide inclusive services and empower women through agriculture and sustainable community development initiative.

 VISION STATEMENT: The organization was established with a vision to see a society where vulnerable groups-women, girls, children and youths are provided the tools and resources needed to fight poverty through access to education, food security, livelihood and social security with development partners

ORGANIZATIONS GOAL: The goal of PRIDO-SL is to contribute in improving the living standard of the vulnerable communities through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy & strengthening of institutions at the grass root level.

ORGANIZATIONAL CORE VALUES: PRIDO-SL core values includes the following:

·        Honesty/Integrity

·        Respect for individual

·        Participation in communal activities

·        Transparency in all transactions

·        Accountability to all the actions/deeds performed by an individual

·        Creativity

·        Cost efficiency

. Gender sensitivity

Thematic Areas

  1. Climate Protection and environmental Management Practices
  2. Agriculture and Rural Development
  3. Women and Girls Empowerment

4.Child Protection, Rights and Access to quality Education

Organization Development Partners

· UNDP/UNOPS/SGP/GEF Program-Sierra Leone

· Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)

· Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs (MSWG&CA)

· Karene District Council (KDC)

· U&I Global Project-UK

· United World Movement for Children-Kenya

· Climate nuts project-Germany

· Jack beans project-UK

 .Alliance of SEEDS Global project-USA