Organisation verified by Tadamon
LEGS-Africa created in 2013, is a "think tank" bringing together the new generation of African elite to promote the citizenship of transformation in Africa.
Think tank, platform
100 000 - 1 000 000 USD
Since 2018, LEGS-Africa has accompanied the citizen struggle of the Collectif des Usagers de l'Autoroute à Péage (CCUAP), with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation for a more efficient management of the Dakar-AIBD toll highway. Significant results have been recorded and we could mention the awareness, today, of many Senegalese on the need to mobilize to demand operating conditions of the infrastructure much more favorable to Senegal and Senegalese, as well as the contribution to the negotiation capacities of the State of Senegal in the context of the renegotiation of contracts with the company SECAA SA.
After conducting an economic, social and environmental impact assessment of the operation of the toll highway, LEGS-Africa, which is a think tank with a scientific orientation, is opening the vast field of active accountability on the governance of large infrastructures and public-private partnerships. The study allowed for an objective analysis of the Dakar-AIBD toll highway and the conditions of its operation in relation to the impacts on users, local populations, the floral and faunal environment and other implications on the ecosystem of the area crossed by the Dakar-AIBD toll highway.
Following a wide publication, the Minister in charge of infrastructures requested LEGS-Africa for a presentation of the results of the study, during which the Minister and his collaborators, including the DG of APIX who is the representative of the State in the framework of this PPP linking Senegal and the company SECAA (Eiffage SA), recognized the quality of the study which he considers as a contribution to take into account in the negotiations with SECAA.