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Griya Yatim & Dhuafa

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Griya Yatim & Dhuafa is a National Zakat Management Institution and a social organization at the national level that helps Orphans and Poor People.


Organisation type

Nonprofit organisation

Country of Registration

Annual Budget

> 1 000 000 USD



SDG / Categories

Quality EducationNo PovertyPartnerships for the GoalsIslamic Finance (Zakat)

Field of Activities

Poverty Alleviation
Women Empowerment
Youth empowerment

Organisation Laguage

Bahasa Indonesia



Hadyan Ahmad



Griya Yatim & Dhuafa is a National Zakat Management Institution and a social organization at the national level that helps Orphans and Poor People. It plays an active role in the fields of Education, Social, and Humanitarian. In addition, it receives and distributes Zakat, Donation, Charity and Endowments.

Griya Yatim & Dhuafa (GYD) currently has 38 orphan & dhuafa empowerment dormitories which are located in 13 provinces in Indonesia, and has benefited more than 500,000 people.

Griya Yatim & Dhuafa is determined to always provide empowerment programs for orphans and poor people so that they can grow up properly, get proper education and adequate health. By doing this, we hope that we can help them to become the next generation of the country who are independent, skilled, and religious.