SITOP (sivil toplumu kalkındırma derneği) "Civil Society Development Association"

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It is the volunteer who identifies the problems around him and takes action to find solutions to these problems.


Organisation type

Nonprofit organisation

Country of Registration

Annual Budget

25 000 - 100 000 USD



SDG / Categories

Decent work & Economic GrowthReduced InequalitiesGender EqualityPartnerships for the GoalsNo PovertyZero HungerQuality EducationClimate ActionIslamic Finance (Zakat)

Field of Activities

Women Empowerment
Poverty Alleviation
Youth empowerment
STEM Education (makerspace, hackerspace, education, promotion, projects)

Organisation Laguage





Ms. Gulser Geyik


+90 2325044166

It is the volunteer who identifies the problems around him and takes action to find solutions to these problems. It does this as a team with social responsibility projects. It is aware that everyone is different and everyone is equal. It makes its work sustainable by including local people and institutions in it. It is willing to change, not criticize. It produces action instead of producing discourse. It acts together for everyone. It is open to learning and sharing what has learned.


Ensuring social peace, solidarity and change.


Contributing to the establishment of a self-confident, entrepreneurial and sensitive society that can produce solutions to the problems around it by carrying out various social responsibility projects.


•        Teamwork

We identify the problems together, plan and carry out the responsibilities in the works together, and adopt the understanding of "All For All Together" by regularly transferring information and providing feedback.

•        Respect for differences

Knowing that differences are a social asset, we work with the team to solve social problems with the awareness of equality.

•        Entrepreneurship

We take action, we take the initiative. We carry out the projects by considering their social, economic and environmental dimensions as a whole.