The campaign will utilize biogas as a source of energy and fertilizer for women farmers and farmers with disabilities to enhance their economic opportunities. ...
Ongoing campaign
The campaigns provide aid to needy people in Indonesia through the use of zakat, infaq, alms, and online donations.
This campaign will boost the confidence and enhance the skill set of 500 women farmers.
Ongoing campaign
About us: Unity Initiative for Refugees (UIR) is a non-profit organization is Refugee Led organization that was formed on 01 January 2019 with the aim to span ...
Working on Humanitarian and Development sectors which derived into four program; Disaster Risk Management, Child Protection, Empowerment and Infrastructure ...
Humanitarian philanthropic institutions, shelter homes, health assistance & disaster response units.
Trias Burkina Faso is a local NGO that aims to strenghten and support organisations of small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs
organic chicken feed : Being a pioneer in providing herbal supplements chicken feed, to replace chemical-based antibiotics, which proved capable causing allergy ...
A non-profit organization that aims to provide access to education for children in remote and poverty-stricken areas by providing boats to reach their schools. ...
We are INGO registered in Nigeria with Mission to support Less Privilege ones, Community Development, gender equality and economic Empowerment scheme
YAYASAN RIYADUL ATFAL ISMAILIYAH adalah lembaga yang terdaftar di kemenhukam dengan nomor SK. AHU-0021398.AH.01.04.Tahun 2020 Alamat : Kp. Ciharashas, Desa Sirn ...
BAZNAS is a government based Indonesia zakat institution which collect zakat, infaq / shadaqah and other social funds (CSR) for poverty alleviation.
AL HUDA MUSI RAWAS FOUNDATION Registered at Kemenkumham. with SK number. AHU-0027831.AH.01.04.Tahun 2021 Address : Dusun II, Tegal Rejo Village, Kec. Tugumulyo ...
Association for sponsoring orphans, widows and needy people
A charitable developmental institution that provides services in the field of quality education and contributes to meet basic needs inside and outside Kuwait ...
Sahabat Pedalaman is a philanthropic organization that focuses on helping people in need in remote areas of Indonesia. Have 9,300+ beneficaries.
Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri is an organisation with humanitarian, social and educational fields.
ASAR Humanity was established on November 1st 2018 as a humanitarian institution that contributes and works to solve the biggest humanitarian issue, POVERTY. ...
ACT is a foundation on the social and humanitarian fields, includes : Emergency response, Post-disaster recovery programs, Community development & Empowerment ...
GDD is a nonprofit humanitarian and development organization aiming to address the humanitarian and development needs of vulnerable and refugees worldwide. ...
Indonesian humanitarian organization which specialized in medical and psychosocial support during emergency response due to natural and human-caused disasters. ...
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