The campaign will provide online learning facilities for orphans and those in need.
Ongoing campaign
NAMA Integrated Centre for Excellence is a not-for-profit organization working in Tanzania supporting Education and Third Sector organization Empowerment. ...
Humanitarian philanthropic institutions, shelter homes, health assistance & disaster response units.
organic chicken feed : Being a pioneer in providing herbal supplements chicken feed, to replace chemical-based antibiotics, which proved capable causing allergy ...
We are INGO registered in Nigeria with Mission to support Less Privilege ones, Community Development, gender equality and economic Empowerment scheme
BAZNAS is a government based Indonesia zakat institution which collect zakat, infaq / shadaqah and other social funds (CSR) for poverty alleviation.
AL HUDA MUSI RAWAS FOUNDATION Registered at Kemenkumham. with SK number. AHU-0027831.AH.01.04.Tahun 2021 Address : Dusun II, Tegal Rejo Village, Kec. Tugumulyo ...
Association for sponsoring orphans, widows and needy people
Institutions that want to create a Quranic Society That Gives Blessing to the Ummah
Gerakan Kebaikan Negeri is an organisation with humanitarian, social and educational fields.
Global Care Mover is an organization engaged in the fields of humanity and education,
ASAR Humanity was established on November 1st 2018 as a humanitarian institution that contributes and works to solve the biggest humanitarian issue, POVERTY. ...
ACT is a foundation on the social and humanitarian fields, includes : Emergency response, Post-disaster recovery programs, Community development & Empowerment ...
GDD is a nonprofit humanitarian and development organization aiming to address the humanitarian and development needs of vulnerable and refugees worldwide. ...
ENSANY Is a crowdfunding platform for mobilizing the masses to fund various projects for individuals, associations or institutions.
Dompet Dhuafa is an Islamic Philanthropy Institution that manages funds from Zakat, Infaq, Alms, Endowments (ZISWAF) and other halal funds.
Tallu Salu farmer group consists of farmers who have the same mission to improve the lives of farmers in our distrik.
We are a non-profit technical service provider promoting financial inclusion and farm & enterprise development.
BAZNAS ProvincNTB is a non-structural government agency authorized to carry out the task of managing zakat, religious social funds, including CSR social funds ...
Dejavato is an organization which concerns on social, culture and education fields through activities of international volunteers exchange
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