The campaign will boost economic and social development, create wealth within the community, generate both direct and indirect jobs, and reduce the unemployment ...
This campaign will create a lasting impact by building local capacity, stimulating the regional economy, and improving the livelihoods of women's farming commun ...
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will enhance rice processing efficiency, reduce labor and environmental impact, and significantly improve the quality of the final product. ...
The campaign will enhance maize crop yields, improve pest and disease management, and streamline post-harvest processes.
Ongoing campaign
The campaign will empower women and girls by boosting their income and providing them with advanced technologies for improved production and marketing. ...
About us: Unity Initiative for Refugees (UIR) is a non-profit organization is Refugee Led organization that was formed on 01 January 2019 with the aim to span ...
Est une organisation de la societe civile a but lucratif de droit Guineen,restaurations, vente d'aluminium, livraison;etude et conseils,prestations des services ...
est d’œuvrer de façon durable à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des communautés à la base dans les domaines de l’environnement, droits humains, education, ...
DEVISE est une organisation guinéenne créée en 2021 Elle a pour objectif utiliser l’innovation sociale comme outil de développement économique efficace ...
L’OGMM est une ONG, à caractère scientifique et apolitique, qui fonctionne sous forme de think tank, régit la loi 013/2005
Letshego Organization was registered in 2015 at the Department of Civil and National registration,Botswana.We have a committee of 14 selected members. ...
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