The Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy's training program in Benin was launched with the participation of 18 selected civil society organizations (CSOs).
Complete list of selected CSOs:
- Engagement pour le Mieux Etre Social (EMES)
- ONG Groupe de Solidarité pour un Développement Universel (OGSDU)
- La Casa Grande Bénin
- Programme de Gestion Des Initiatives pour un Développement Communautaire
- Eau et Assainissement pour un Développement Durable Intégré
- ONG GBEWA "Enfin le Bhoneur"
- ONG AfricaTIC-Emplois
- ONG Association des Personnes Rénovatrices des Technologies Traditionnelles (APRETECTRA)
- Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement (GRAD)
- Benin Espoir Solidarité
- Vision et Actions pour le Développement de tous (ViADéV-ONG)
- Groupe de Recherche et d'Appui aux Initiative Nouvelles de Développement
- Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture et du Développement (GRAPAD)
- Les 2 Vies Comptent
- La Culture Au Coeur du Développement CACD-ONG
Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy is funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), managed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The selected civil society organizations will take part in a training initiative within the program, which will equip them with the ability to secure funds using crowdfunding, an innovative and alternative fundraising method. These 18 civil society organizations were picked after a thorough assessment of their concepts and their potential to create positive changes within their communities. The concepts developed by these CSOs are geared toward implementing projects and initiatives that address the needs and challenges of their communities, with a particular focus on women and children. The proposed projects cover lots of important thematic areas including empowering women, environment and sustainability, fighting poverty, and improving healthcare and education, making a positive and long-lasting difference by working on these different challenges and finding good solutions for them.
The selected CSOs will create their crowdfunding campaigns through a combination of e-learning tools and in-person training, which will include instructional materials, presentations, assignments, and guidance from crowdfunding experts who are leaders in the field. Once they complete the CFA training program, all participants will have the ability to initiate their crowdfunding campaigns on local or international crowdfunding platforms.
We eagerly anticipate the growth of these organizations as they embark on their crowdfunding campaigns.