Nov 14, 2023

Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy selected 24 organizations from Togo

Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy selected 24 organizations from Togo

The Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy's training program in Togo was launched today with the participation of the 24 selected civil society organizations (CSOs).

Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy is funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), managed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

So far, the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy has been implemented and is ongoing in 31 countries. Currently, over 3700 CSOs have been mapped, with 2400 verified through support from governments and UNDP country offices. Currently, a total of 600 Civil Society Organizations have received training or are in the process of being trained.

Selected CSOs from Togo are: 

  • Autopromotion Rurale pour un Développement Humain Durable (ADHD) 
  • Initiative pour un Développement Durable en Afrique (ONG I2DA)
  • Science et Technologie Africaines pour un Développement Durable (STADD)
  • GERAD (Groupe d'Education, de Recherche et d'Action pour un Développement Durable)
  • ONG Coopération pour l'Appui au Développement Intégral du Togo (CADI-Togo)
  • Association Fille Debout-Togo
  • Association des cadres musulmans au Togo (ACMT)
  • Partage et Action en Synergie pour le développement (PASYD)
  • Organisation Islamique pour le Développement et la solidarité (O.I.D.S)
  • Coordination des Organisations Féminines du Togo (COFET)
  • Floraison
  • Union des Mutuelles de Santé des Savanes (UMUSAS)
  • Association Creuset de Jeunes pour le Développement et l'Epanouissement Intégral des Populations connue sous la dénomination CREUSET TOGO.
  • Groupe d’Appui pour un Développement Intégré et Solidaire
  • ONG Aides Médicales et Charité (ONG AMC)
  • Wishing Well for Rural Development Togo
  • Together For Change
  • Solidarité Femmes pour un Développement Durable des Savanes (SF2D-S)
  • FELEADEC (Femmes Leaders pour le Développement des Communautés à la base)
  • Groupe de Recherche-Action pour la Promotion Humaine (GRAPHE)
  • Organisation pour L'Alimentation et le Développement Local

The 24 civil society organizations were selected from 93 received applications following a comprehensive evaluation and screening of their ideas and the potential to bring about positive change in their communities.

The ideas developed by CSOs strive to bring projects and endeavors that address the requirements and obstacles faced by the community in Togo. These initiatives concentrate on areas such as the empowerment of women and youth, science and technology, health and medical aid, as well as environmental concerns and rural development. Furthermore, they also prioritize the enhancement of women's and children's health.

Through the program, the selected civil society organizations will participate in an online training program that enables the organizations to raise funds using crowdfunding, an innovative and alternative tool for fundraising. The selected CSOs will develop their crowdfunding campaign through e-learning tools and offline training using learning materials, presentations, work assignments, and guidance from leading crowdfunding experts.

Upon completing the CFA training program, all participants will be able to launch their crowdfunding campaigns on local or international crowdfunding platforms.

Looking forward to seeing these organizations develop their crowdfunding campaigns.

For more information reach out at team@tadamon.community or https://www.facebook.com/tadamon.community