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      Relief and Development Peer Foundation I RDP

      YemeniNGO,RDP serves vulnerable communities through its programs(FSL, WASH, Climate Changes,Health,Nutrition,Education&Protection) reaching 5.3 M beneficiaries. ...

      Amal Hadhramout Makers Foundation for Development

      Hadhramout Amal Makers Foundation for Development, a non-profit civil organization that seeks to achieve sustainable development in the field of education, heal ...

      al prince foundation for humanitarian development

      تأسست مؤسسة البرنس لتوعية والتنمية الإنسانية في محافظة عدن عام 2018 وتحمل تصريع عمل رقم 587 وتعمل في قطاع التعليم والصحة والتمكين الاقتصاد والحماية وبناء السلام ...

      Yemen Media Guide forDevelopment center

      That vulnerable groups enjoy social protection, justice, equity, and economic, cultural, and civil empowerment, and that society becomes stable, cohesive, and a ...

      Abs development organization for woman and child

      Abs Development Organization for Woman and Child (ADO) is a well -established national humanitarian, non-governmental and nonprofit developmental organization. ...

      Building Foundation for Development

      BFD is a Yemeni NGO that works to alleviate the suffering of communities affected by wars and disasters, and to promote sustainable development solutions ...

      bright yemen organization

      who are we: an independent, non-profit organization established in 2018 AD, to implement many relief and development projects

      The National Organization of Yemeni Reporters SADA

      منظمة مجتمع مدني غير ربحية وغير حكومية، تعمل في مجال الحقوق والحريات، وتطوير الاعلام وضمن أهدافها الاسهام في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة.

      JANA Foundation for Family Developement

      We aim to provide support, dignity, and diversity to all those families.

      International Youth Council Yemen

      IYCY is a leading NGO, working nationwide in Yemen to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development for a better life and wellbeing ...

      National Foundatioin for Development and Humanitarian Respnse

      NAHR is a non-profit non-government organization aiming to serve Yemeni society and deliver development and humanitarian services and assistance to people. ...

      Youth without Borders Organization for Development

      A youth-serving civil society organization based and operating in Yemen.

      European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, and Iraqi Peace Organization for Youth and Sport

      We are a Europe-based organization working with local partners for the advancement of human rights and democracy in the Middle East.

      Yemen Family Care Association

      YFCA is a leading, independent and non-governmental organization that works nationwide at different levels to promote equitable and sustainable development. ...

      Gusoor for Peace and Coexistence

      The organization focuses on supporting and promoting stability in local communities through an integrated performance system that stems from sustainable develop ...

      Foundation for the Protection of Children and Youth, Al Dhalea Governorate

      The institution was founded by a group of young volunteers, human rights activists, and other active figures in the province on December 14, 2012. The instituti ...

      The All Girls Foundation for Development

      All Girls Foundation for Development, a women-led organization, a non-governmental, non-profit civil society organization, was founded in the Yemen, in 2003. ...

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