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منظمة إباء للتنمية احدي منظمات المجتمع المدني السوداني مسجلة لدي مفوضية العون الإنساني الاتحادية بالرقم 3818 وهي منظمة غير ربحية منذ عام 2014
A national organization focused on implementing SDGs to develop rural and marginalized Sudanese communities for a better life by strengthening them.
Noon organization for Development non-profit working to build confidence to make success in people with disabilities and headed with disable woman. ...
Solar Foods is a women-led social enterprise based in Sudan, specializing in eco-friendly food processing technologies like solar dryers and cookers. Founded in ...
تأسست الجمعيه التعاونيه بتاريخ20/4/2017 وتعمل في المجال الزراعي والحيواني في المجال الزراعي قمنا بتوعيه المجتمع في كيفيه العمليات الزراعيه من فتره النظافه الي ...
SPDO is a nonprofitable humnaitarian organization, it works to hlep vulnerables during war times, disatsers and human made crisis.
CAFA Development Organization is non profit organization founded in 2001.
NIDAA is a non-political, non-governmental, non-profit and non-discriminatory organization, established in 1998 and registered in Khartoum, 2000
(EOCD) a Women led organization, established in 2006, is a non-governmental working in East Sudan, to empower women and youth (Economically and Leadership) ...
P4P is a youth led organization established in 2023 Bule Nile Region by four active youth initiatives, with well-structured in terms of governance and interna ...
FPDO strives towards achieving stability, peaceful coexistence and sustainable development where every individual enjoys his basic rights
Sudan Taekwondo Federation is a civil society organization focusing on youth and their communities empowerment
مركز تدريب يدعم المرأة ببرامج تطوير المهارات الشخصية والحرفية، مع التركيز على ريادة الأعمال، التكنولوجيا، والمشاريع المدرة للدخل لتحقيق التنمية والاستدامة. ...
Peace Organization for Rural Development (PORD) is a reputable National Non-Governmental Organization which was founded in 2010 and was duly registered in that ...
Abnuos development Organization is a voluntary, non-profit and non-Governmental Organization, founded in 17th of January 2023 and registered at HAC
Elemar Charitable for Development Organization (ECDO) is a Sudanese NGO registered as a national voluntary charitable humanitarian non-governmental org ...
HDPO is a fully registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with HAC in Sudan (C.NO: 1250) operating in North and South Darfur State of Sudan.
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