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      The Second Life Olives: From Construction Sites to Green Oasis

      The Second Life Olives: From Construction Sites to Green Oasis

      The campaign will conserve and enhance biodiversity in Kahramanmaraş, preserving the irreplaceable genetic heritage of native olive species.


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      Kanser ,cocugumdan Uzak Dur Dernegi

      0-18 yaş arası aktif kanser tedavisi gören çocuklara maddi ve ayni yardımlar yapmak

      Core Istanbul Business Hub

      Core Istanbul is an organization dedicated to empowering youth through entrepreneurship programs, vocational training, and networking opportunities

      Nef Foundation

      Nef, a social company, continues its projects under Nef Foundation since 2015 to promote social potential and awareness for future generations.

      Ghiras ALKhaeer Humanitarian Organization

      We are a non-governmental organization of civil society organizations working in the field of providing care and assistance to the less fortunate communities, t ...

      Aegean Exporters Associations

      An organizastion established for capacity building and export promotion


      Türkiye'de her kesimden endüstri mühendisi ve öğrencilerini tek çatı altında toplayan ilk ve tek sivil toplum kuruluşudur.

      Green Transformation in Industry, Climate Change Adaptation and Bioeconomics Research Association

      In June 2021, we established our organization. Our association works on the green transformation of the industry, adaptation and adaptation skills to change. ...

      Sadakatasi Association

      As Sadakatasi Association we have been carrying out our efforts to reach a world order by way of goodness in which we can create a goodness feeling ...

      Bursa Innovative Volunteering and Sports Association

      Bursa Innovative Volunteering and Sports Association was founded in 2019 by 20 university students to create a legal entity in Bursa.

      Tarim Laboratuvarlari Dernegi

      Gıda güvenliği, gıda güvencesi, tarım-orman arazilerinin ve çevrenin korunması amacı ile Türkiye'de toprak, gıda, su ve çevre analizlerinin yaygınlaştırılması. ...

      International Migrant Women s Solidarity Association

      In order to make visible the discrimination and violence suffered by refugee women we produce more sustainable policies in favor of women together with women. ...

      Gida Kurtarma Dernegi

      Gıda Kurtarma Derneği olarak 2017 yılından beri, farkındalık, savunuculuk ve gıda bankacılığı kapasite geliştirme çalışmaları yürütüyoruz.

      Inovatif ve Girisimci Toplum Dernegi

      Derneğimiz; yenilikçi ve girişimci gençlik başta olmak üzere her yaştan insanları destekleyen 2018 yılında öğretmenler tarafından kurulmuş bir STK'dır. ...

      Habitat Association

      Habitat Association is an NGO that produces social capacity-building and impact-oriented projects based on strong partnerships aimed at sustainable development. ...


      TÜRÇEV is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation and implementing five FEE programmes.

      Kahramanmaras Chamber of Commerce and Industry

      Kahramanmaras Chamber Of Commerce and Industry has more than 12.000 members. It helps its members to improve their business and incease their knowledge. ...

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