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      Ikem Technologies

      Transforing waste into product (hydrocarbon waste beneficiation)

      ICEtech service

      It repair service center

      Public Association of People with disabilities "LAND OF MASTERS" (Общественное объединение инвалидов "СТРАНА МАСТЕРОВ")

      Train valnurable people and people with disabilities and provides them with jobs. Disabled people, graduates of orphanages, single mothers and former prisoners ...

      "Starmom" Private Entrepreneur

      Publishing, books for early education

      Public Foundation "Council of Veterans of the Second World War, Home Front Workers and War Children"

      Organization of charitable assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the labor front, pensioners, children of war and other unprotected seg ...

      Central Asia Centre of Cooperation "IDEA" Public Foundation

      CACC "IDEA" Public Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in accordance with the legislation on April 9, 2010.

      Social Fund "Urpak Next"

      We are NGO registered in Kazakhstan, Mangystau region in 2005. We relize social projects for children, youth and women.

      FocusED now

      FocusED is a hybrid cell phone stand with a built-in virtual classroom, which aims to democratize distance learning and provide children in developing countries ...

      Public Association "Nur Mahabbat"

      The purpose of the union is: 1. Prevention and reduction of behavioral, psychological risk factors such as neurosis, tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction ...


      The StudyCS is a non-profit organization that aims to provide Kazakhstani kids with the most relevant Computer Science (CS) education and Digital Literacy skill ...

      Общественное обьединение "Uylesim VKO"

      - поддержка многодетных матерей, малообеспеченных семей, пенсионеров, инвалидов;

      "Korgan-m" NGO

      The organization is engaged in helping people with disabilities. This year we are implementing a grant to increase the quota of jobs for people with disabilitie ...

      The Public Fund "БЕРЕКЕЛІ ҰЛТ"

      Our Fund is the only organization with unique innovative author's method of correction of children with special needs.

      VAZZAR Group

      Многофункциональный информационный интернет сервис

      International Centre of Scientific Collaborations

      Популяризации науки, развитие научной грамотности среди детей и учителей

      Молодежное общественное объединение DamU.kst"

      Молодежное волонтерское движение создано в 2015 году, в 2020 гоу зарегистрировано в качестве юридического лица.

      Public Association Center for Social Initiatives «Belsen»

      Kazakhstani social enterprise that creates affordable eco-friendly wooden toys toys for speech development.

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