Applications now closed!
What is it like waking up to a world facing an emergency? After COVID-19, we all have plenty of answers, but the question is: Are we ready for the next emergency? To speed up recovery, ensure resilience in our communities, and be prepared for future emergencies we invite you to join the Tadamon Accelerator, funded by IsDB, ISFD, and implemented by UNDP.
Do you have an innovative solution that can improve our immediate response to an emergency such as COVID-19 and its long-term effects?
Are you a local civil society organization in one of the OIC member countries that aim to build resilience against an emergency, but lack knowledge and funding? Join the Tadamon Accelerator to fast forward your innovative solutions to the next level and amplify your impact!
Innovative solutions enable quicker responses, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.
The Tadamon Accelerator is offering you the opportunity to be among Tadamon’s game-changing innovators. Our world-class experts will be there every step of the journey to address your needs and improve your skills!
The Tadamon Accelerator curriculum is perfectly tailored for you to expand your knowledge and accelerate your innovative solution.The Tadamon CSO (Civil Society Organizations) Pandemic Response Accelerator Program was approved by the IsDB in 2020 to contribute to maintaining gains in SDG achievements. The Program operationalizes the Competence, Linkage, Delivery and Funding tracks of the P5P and 10-Year Strategy, which stress the need for IsDB to become a bank for a network of developers. Find out more on the IsDB website.What We Offer
- A 14-week intensive online program
- 1:1 mentorship
- Workshops in Sensemaking, Impact Measurement & Management, Digital Transformation, Innovative Finance, and many more
- Access to a network of world-class professionals
- A total of 50 local CSOs will benefit from the Tadamon Accelerator
- Funding by grants (up to $40,000). A total amount of USD 0.46 million will be provided to the best proposals
Thematic Focus
Your project proposals should focus on one of the following three crosscutting thematic areas:
Emergency Medical Response Through CSOs
You have an innovative solution that provides lifesaving emergency medical intervention. Your project proposal delivers innovative solutions in times of emergencies using new technologies, such as digital technology or artificial intelligence.
Education in Emergencies
You are working on an innovative project in the field of education. You need support in accelerating your impact to bring uninterrupted education in the times of emergency by using gamification, or digitalization.
Build Community Resilience
You are working on an innovative project to build resilience in your community. You want to create connected and autonomous infrastructure for your community by enabling sustainable green energy or using digitalization tools for increasing new economic opportunities.
50 civil society organizations - from 32 OIC member countries that have endorsed the NGO Empowerment Program - will get a chance to be part of Tadamon Accelerator trainings to accelerate their projects in these three thematic areas. Out of these CSOs, 25 local organizations will win a grant prize to support their innovative projects. Are you going to be one of these game changing innovators? To answer this question, let’s start from the first step! Prepare your pens to check the boxes!
Eligibility Criteria
Type: You are a local CSO operating as a small institution with an annual project budget of less than USD 280,000 and have a minimum of 2 years of proven experience in project implementation.
- Type of CSOs: NGO, social enterprise, development start-up, religious organization, cooperative or farmers' association, community-based organization, foundation, saving clubs, civil society network, and credit unions.
Country Registration: You are registered and planning to implement your project solution in one of the 32 OIC member countries. These countries are:
- Algeria, Azerbaijan, Benin, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, State of Palestine, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen. You will be asked to submit valid registration documents upon applying.
Tadamon Membership: You are a member of the Tadamon platform. (If you are not a member, don’t worry! You can sign up now – it is easy and free). Please note that CSO will be screened through the UNDP security platform and/or any other due diligence process.
Experience: You have a minimum of two years of proven experience in project implementation.
Language: You must clearly demonstrate competence in both written and spoken English since the program will be conducted in English. In order to assess the language skills, interviews will be carried out for the short-listed organisations.
Innovation & Relevance: Your project proposal is clearly innovative and related to one or more of the thematic areas of the challenge. The objective of the proposal should also focus on one of the following areas as follows: promoting education for refugees /IDPs and orphans, women, youth, and people with disabilities, tackling unemployment, vocational training and skills development, empowering vulnerable communities through community resilience building (income-generating activities), social exclusion, poverty alleviation.
Do you fit all the eligibility criteria mentioned above? If the answer is yes, let’s move on to learn about the criteria we will be looking at during the selection process.
Selection Criteria:
Feasibility: Your innovative solution is feasible – can be developed, tested, and implemented within 6-12 months upon graduation from the Tadamon Accelerator.
Innovation: You use cutting-edge technologies, and innovative digital tools, or introduce new ideas, approaches, products, or services to a target group or a market.
Team: You have a dedicated team consisting of at least 2 team members with relevant backgrounds and expertise.
Relevance: Your innovation solution responds to a concrete problem/need and has the potential to reach new target groups.
Potential for Impact: Your innovation solution has a high potential for impact which you can demonstrate via a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Partnerships: You can demonstrate a willingness and readiness to engage with local or other partners during implementation.
Now that you have learned all about the eligibility and selection criteria - it's time to apply to the Tadamon Accelerator.
How to Apply?
You can access the Tadamon Accelerator application form once you have signed up. If you are a member, you can find an application form via your Tadamon profile.
Make sure to provide the required documents and answer all the questions in the application form.
Tadamon Accelerator Training Program for 50 local CSOs:
The Tadamon Accelerator consists of a 14-week curriculum of collaboration, co-creation, and innovation conducted fully online and complemented by 1-on-1 mentorship sessions. Another value comes from peer-to-peer learning through the sensemaking process, group discussions, and direct cooperation between the organizations.
Tadamon Accelerator modules are tailored to fit your needs. Training and mentoring of selected CSOs will be structured through the following topics:

Sensemaking is a strategic tool that enables the generation of learnings, identifies connections between different actors, and results in systemic-level insights.

Design Thinking
In this module, you will be encouraged to think outside of the box and level up your creativity and innovations via the design development stages.

Impact Measurement & Management
In this module, you are supported with capacity and needs assessment, gap analysis, and identification of impact vision and strategy.

Value Proposition
defining the Key Performance Indicators of your innovative solution. Understand what your innovation solution is and what makes it unique.

Online Communications / Storytelling
Through online lectures and examples, participants will get an insight on how to effectively communicate with the right target audience.

Project Acceleration and Management
Through this module, you will learn how to organize your team, and plan your project activities and budget.

Crowdfunding Academy| Innovative Finance
Learn how to create the key elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign so you can launch your own.

Digital Transformation
The Digital Transformation module consists of a personalized journey through a series of workshops and mentorship guidance, helping you define, assess, and manage your digital strategy.

Behavioural Insights
This module introduces you to behavioral insights and their applications, looking at human behavior and the various cognitive and behavioral biases that drive this behavior.
Please contact us via for any questions you have regarding the Tadamon Accelerato Youtube Url: r and the application process. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to your application!