The NGO Dibebe for Development and Aid aims to prevent the spread of endemic diseases in rural areas by increasing awareness through training sessions.
PlanningWebsite Link
dibebetchad.comThematic Focus
Building Community ResilienceThe Problem
Transmission dynamics of various diseases in rural regions have received limited study. Since the population densities and human mobility indices of rural regions are very different from those of cities, it is imperative to develop specific mitigation schemes to prevent the spread of diseases at their likely source, the rural location. Furthermore, recent studies show that rural residents have a lower likelihood of accessing certain preventive health services when compared to urban residents. These factors necessitate research on predictive and optimally preventive strategies in rural regions.
The Solution
The NGO Dibebe for Development and Aid aims to prevent the spread of endemic diseases in rural areas by increasing awareness through training sessions. It will also provide training in the use of first aid kits. The project will include a preparatory phase lasting three months, and an operational phase, which will extend over a period of 12 months. During the first three months, 100 peer educators from villages in Chad will be identified and trained in adequate health awareness communication techniques, required to address the needs of the target audience.
The project seeks to contribute towards ensuring healthy lives and the wellbeing of rural communities through capacity building for early warning, risk reduction and management of health risks. It also seeks to reduce inequalities in access to preventive as well as primary healthcare services in Chad.


Abbas Mohammed Zakaria

Abakaka Hassane Hissein