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      Campaigns (1) Organisations (33) Platforms (0)


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      Empower Sustainable Initiatives

      Empower Sustainable Initiatives

      The campaign will support new businesses by providing the necessary training and resources to individuals who want to start their businesses.

      Ongoing campaign


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      Misr ElKheir Foundation

      MISR EL KHEIR FOUNDATION-(MEK) is an Egyptian NGO- since 20/5/2007. We are a developmental NGO & non-profit organization, concerned with Human Development. ...

      Yumar Global Concert

      Education Challenge and Youth Empowerment

      Bina for sustainable development

      Training, development and incubation of projects


      نشأت بمبادرة من عدة أشخاص إجتمعوا على رؤية واحدة وهي تطوير إمكانات المجتمع المدني والمساهمة في تسهيل التواصل بين أفراده وتفعيل العمل الاجتماعي المحلي، ...

      Al Kawthar Charitable Society

      Charity Society for the Needs of Different Segments The community in need of support and assistance, in particular for persons with disabilities, the elderly.. ...

      Organization of Libyan African Integration

      It promotes the principles and objectives of the African Union, and implements its projects.

      Sunflower organization for culture and development

      plant the seeds of development and growth within all segments of Libyan society. Create tangible change in Libyan society.

      NanaMarin Foundation

      (Nana Marn) is a non-governmental organization that works on Capacity building, women empowerment, and community development

      Dihya organization for development

      Our organization was founded in 2016. We have implemented more than 14 projects on empowering vulnerable groups in society economically, socially and political ...

      Libyan Technology Foundation

      A civil non-profit organization, renowned by the Civil Society Commission, founded on August 25, 2020. Founded for noble ends, the organization has been pro ...


      use technology to create solutions that makes people life easier

      Fourth Generation Human Rights

      منظمة تعمل على بناء الانساء داخل المجتمع

      Libyan Association for Crowdfunding

      "ملتزمون بتعزيز بيئة عمل إيجابية وتيسير السبل التي تمهد للجميع طريق النجاح" "الجمعية الليبية للتمويل الجماعي (LACF) هي منظمة مجتمعية غير هادفة للربح تعمل على تو ...


      منظمة حقوقية هدفها الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان في شتى بقاع الأرض

      FabLab Libya foundation

      Fab lab libya is an innovation acubator

      sinmar organization for scientific and charity work

      منظمة سنمار العلمية والخيرية هي احدى منظمات المجتمع المدني العلمية والخيرية والتنمية المستدامة تعمل على تحقيق اهدافها للحد من الفقر وتوفير الحياة الكريمة . ...

      almostasha for Consultant for studies and development

      A civil society organization interested in the activities of studies and indicators of sustainable development and programs to combat poverty and promote peace ...

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