The project offers to expand young people's digital skills and reduce poverty.
ImplementationWebsite Link
dsyemen.orgThematic Focus
Building Community ResilienceThe Problem
In comparison to other Arab states, young people, and specifically girls, in Yemen lack digital skills. There are production and service sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, honey production, coffee, tourism, heritage, and agate trade that are deprived of e-marketing. There is a need for the marketing and promotion of products outside of Yemen, especially in English (for different countries around the world).
The Solution
The Digital Empowerment of Youth and Girls Project offers to expand young people's digital skills, reduce poverty, and contribute to achieving the Millennium Goals through encouraging young people, including girls, to create digital marketing initiatives in new production and service sectors. It will enable the exchange of skills and experiences among youth and will support them with finding funds through banks to finance micro projects. The project aims to reach around 266,000 young men and women in higher educational institutions.
The project aims to alleviate poverty and enhance digital skills in the health, economic and social sectors. Young men and women will have access to decent work and rural communities will be economically empowered.