Our smart Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DWWS) project recycles wastewater on-site and safely reuses it for gardening and farming.
ImplementationWebsite Link
SOLVillion.comThematic Focus
Building Community ResilienceThe Problem
35% of the population in Jordan doesn't have access to the public sewerage system. They suffer from odors in the water, water overflow and conflicts with neighbours as they cannot pay monthly expenses for discharge. Instead, they use septic tanks and cesspits to collect their wastewater. This causes a huge hazard for community health and the environment. Schools are one of the most affected – with 95% of the schools in rural areas and 68% of the schools overall not having access to public wastewater networks.
The Solution
As an alternative to cesspits for educational facilities without access to public sewerage, our smart Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DWWS) project recycles wastewater on-site and safely reuses it for gardening and farming. The system is safe, locally manufactured, easy to use, and easy to maintain. The project also provides digital awareness sessions to schoolteachers and youth on wastewater management.
The project seeks to decrease inequality in access to adequate sanitation services among rural communities. It also aims to reduce illnesses in rural areas that don't have access to sanitation.


Zain Abualhaj
Projects Manager
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7S4OTX6UT-urrvKBcjvSpw